Someone who is depressed must see things in a positive way?


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It is a personal decision that the depressed person must make, since external advice may be advisable but to a certain extent.

It is very common to feel bad in the course of our life, but the other common aspect is that there are many people who tend to recommend things to us and even tell us the positive side of the bad things we are going through, and that only the counselor sees it because we do not see it.

It has been researched and has been able to demonstrate that when you want to make a person who is going through a positive picture see positive aspects, it ends up being worse because then the person may think that: Neither to see the positive aspects of life is useful, and that will bury you in the depressive picture.


As we can now consider, it is not just about recommending a positive outlook to others when we go through difficult times, it is a shift from many sources of stress to learning to see the big picture, and very importantly, in a way that is kinder to us. Although for several authors, definitely, the way we view ourselves and the world can profoundly affect our mood.

When we educate ourselves in these aspects of psychology we can learn what is most convenient for a person who has an emotional imbalance, and almost always the way we should act is not what is commonly believed, that is why if we want to contribute positively to a person who has depression, we must show understanding and be empathetic, we must show understanding and be empathetic, we must show understanding and be empathetic, give hope that everything can change and above all that we are n the firmness that this person can overcome all the emotional obstacles and achieve what is proposed, but for nothing we must make him/her see what this person does not see, which are the positive aspects that his depressive picture does not make him/her see.


depression is not just a simple sickness. It has to be cured and attained. So as not to be depressed share your worries and fairs with whom you can trust about. Talk and learn to communicate.


Hi friend, certainly communication is very important for someone who is depressed. Greetings and thank you for your timely comment.


Depression is a very common disease this days, and it is true that being positive really helps.


You get a lot of self-help that talks about putting negative thoughts out of your mind and replacing them with positive ones, but I don't think this works. If you hide your negative thoughts, you basically bottle them up, until they accumulate and explode like a dam bursting... and you don't even understand why you are over-reacting to something quite small (the final straw) - you don't recognize everything you bottled away.

So it is important to process your negative thoughts and really feel them, before you then try to be more positive and look for the good, and opportunities, in your life situation...
