Reflecting on the prevailing wickedness in our world


Hello friends, this time I want to reflect on the evil that many of us see in our environment.

While it is true that evil is demarcated by what society itself has accepted as evil, there are arguments that lead me to think that evil is a feeling and a way of acting that will hardly cease to exist in the world.

As long as there is greed in human minds there will be evil, there may be various elements that promote evil, but for me there is one that makes evil can coexist with good until it lasts and our universe exists, and it is nothing more than the feeling of greed, the greed that many feel for possessing wealth leads them to envy others, and it does not matter if they have to kill another human being to get it, or if they have to deprive him of a material good.

There are people who act in a good way with you, but as soon as you turn around, they start to discredit you with the intention of making you look bad and thus keep what they covet so much.

A clear example that evil is the final result of greed, is the case of drug trafficking in the world, with the distribution and marketing of drugs in the world many people die from overdoses, however that will matter to those who produce it if in the same way to sell drugs drug traffickers are getting richer.

I believe that the worst case is when evil is manifested without any personal interest, that is to say, a person can do harm to another person without receiving any benefit, many times people who do harm do it because they are psychopaths, that is to say, they are simply satisfied with the harm that the other person receives.

In conclusion, we must be ready for evil to live next to us and the only thing we have left is to fight, to combat it by unmasking evil and thus ensure that the elements disguised as evil do not continue to cause more damage than they have already done.
