Do action triggers have an influence on human behavior?

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It looks very nice on paper when we write about our objectives and how important it is for us to achieve them, but one thing is to capture them and another is to execute them, that is why when our life demands us to achieve our objectives we must look for that element that activates us, that focuses us and gives us a direction towards their fulfillment, for them we need to put into practice the action triggers.

What are action triggers and what is their influence?

The action triggers is a monument made to the measure of what should be a representation elaborated in our mind that has as protagonist a chain of imaginary facts, for example we can think of something we long for with its respective time, place, people involved, that is to think of a possible action involving all possible actors with the aim that it can be realized, and even that it can become a habit of life, as it can help us to achieve goals.

Perhaps there is the idea that what we think and dream does not make sense because in many cases it is not fulfilled, however under the approach of action triggers, what is sought is that we can describe in our mind in a systematic way the steps to be followed and the context we want to happen based on that thought, while all that thought is carried in an orderly manner is very likely that what we think will result in a real and effective action based on our purposes.

The action triggers end up being a sketch in our mind that motivates us, since we can even perform an experiment of two people who have objectives drawn and want to meet, surely increases the probability of occurrence for the participant that we put the practical task of imagining it so that they can practice it in the future.

In conclusion, we can associate our thoughts as the real trigger for subsequent actions to be carried out and be successful based on the previous fact that they were previously thought.

Logically nothing is achieved in this life without work and effort, however for all those dreamers already know that dreaming and thinking about what we want brings us closer to the fulfillment of our goals if we associate it with effort and dedication.


Hello, every well channeled thought leads us to achieve the proposed objective. Our brain is wonderful and how many functions it triggers.

A very meaningful text.



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