Actuar con proposito // Acting with purpose | Reflexión -Reflection. (ESP-ENG)


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Hola amigos de la colmena.

Es importante que en la vida aprendamos a actuar con propósito, no tiene el mismo significado el tener que actuar en alguna circunstancia sin conocer ciertos elementos que están relacionados con causas, consecuencias y beneficios.

Cuando actuamos bajo propósito incluso podemos llegar a ayudar a otros de formas tan sorprendentes, que quizás a algunas personas les parezca inusual o difíciles de comprender, aunque lo importante es el fin, es decir lo importante es que como estamos actuando bajo propósito, entonces el final de como conseguimos las cosas justifica el uso de todos los medios y estrategias empleadas.

No es una tarea muy fácil el poder actuar bajo firmeza y con uno o varios propósitos definidos, para ello también es importante que desarrollemos en el camino esa suspicacia para saber aprovechar esos poderes que todos tenemos, pero que están ocultos, y que simplemente debemos aprender a gestionarlos, es decir saber en que momento preciso utilizarlos, ya que nuestros poderes y destrezas no son aplicables bajo todas las circunstancias, ni son útiles en todos los entornos presentes en nuestras vidas.

Actuar con propósito significa saber tratar con otras personas, ya que si queremos recoger buenas cosechas, entonces debemos saber sembrar, saber sembrar con el trato con las demás personas implica ganarnos a los demás con un trato cordial, y si bajo algún motivo discrepamos en algo, hay que hacerlo de forma sutil que no parezca un enfrentamiento.

Al no saber actuar con propósito podemos inequívocamente querer recoger miel cuando al mismo tiempo y sin saber estamos golpeando la colmena en donde pensamos recoger la miel.

Hello friends of the hive.

It is important that in life we learn to act with purpose, it does not have the same meaning to have to act in some circumstance without knowing certain elements that are related to causes, consequences and benefits.

When we act under purpose we can even help others in such surprising ways, that perhaps some people may find it unusual or difficult to understand, although the important thing is the end, that is to say the important thing is that as we are acting under purpose, then the purpose of how we achieve things justifies the use of all the means and strategies employed.

It is not a very easy task to be able to act with firmness and with one or several defined purposes, for it is also important that we develop along the way that suspicion to know how to take advantage of those powers that we all have, but that are hidden, and that we simply must learn to manage them, that is to say to know in which precise moment to use them, since our powers and strengths are not applicable under all circumstances, nor are they useful in all the environments present in our lives.

To act with purpose means to know how to deal with other people, because if we want to reap good harvests, then we must know how to sow, to know how to sow in dealing with other people implies to win others with a cordial treatment, and if for some reason we disagree on something, we must do it in a subtle way that does not look like a confrontation.

By not knowing how to act with purpose we can unequivocally want to collect honey when at the same time and without knowing we are hitting the hive where we think to collect the honey.


It's really a good thing that anything we want to do we should be acting with purpose. I really love your lines because they are top notch. Keep it buddy 🥂
