RE: Autumn garden update


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Yes indeed. I count my blessings every day.

Good to see hive touch $3 again this morning! Looking strong...


Wow, yes! It could be preparing for a break of the 3.4 level set the other day... what's next, 5? 10?
I showed a chart analyst friend of mine the Hive chart today... he said there's nothing stopping a good token with a chart like that from going to 50 or 100. That would put us back in the top 20! I like the sounds of that. But even at $10 it's enough to change things for many of us.


Even with my small amount of skill as a trader it is clear to see how bullish our chart looks. The uptrend since July seems unstoppable!

I had a look at the @esteban-luna account wallet today and they have over $1000 worth now, which is so amazing for them. Especially as they won't know how to spend it for at least another ten years ;)

So yes, hive will change the lives of many! Then these people will tell their friends. Then many of their friends will sign up and those with money will invest directly. And so goes the snowball effect for the price of hive...


Nice, I didn't know you had that other account, it's a great idea. I don't expect to live long enough for my children to need their own tokens. By the time they need them, I think my tokens will belong to them. So everything I do is a nestegg for my 2 adult sons, my young son, and my unborn daughter. But that's just a guess, I might recover from whatever is killing me, and live to see my daughter become a grandmother.

One thing I remind myself often is we can't see a day in front of us, let alone 10 years. At no point in my life have my predictions about the future 10 years out been anywhere near accurate. I imagine it's the same for you. We can imagine and hope and plan and assume but in the end, we are almost always completely wrong. I still believe in visualizing positivity and striving for my goals, but I recognize that we can't know what's coming. Write down what you think is coming even 5 years from now, either in society or your personal life, and come back to it then. There are experts who spend their lives learning how to predict the near future, and even they tend to have near zero success.

Maybe the elite know exactly what is coming. But maybe even they have to deal with uncertainty, and use their computer intelligence algorithms to adjust their strategy on the fly.

For example, in your post on that account for your kids, you were hoping that Steem would become a popular platform and the token could be worth x300 by a certain date. How were you to know Steem would fall apart? But we've got Hive, and maybe that will go x300? I sure hope so, but I really have no idea. Hive may change the lives of many, or it may be a temporary blog site for a few hundred hopefuls. Or something in between? Or something unforeseen.

I think ideas like yours are important because that diversifies our attempts to ensure a good life for our children. You're not putting all your hopes on that one strategy, you have all kinds of ideas and plans like that. Maybe a few silver bars tucked away, maybe some knowledge about growing and preparing food so they can feed themselves as long as the sun shines and rain falls, maybe other cryptos, and so on. Your children are in excellent hands and are lucky to have you :)


Somehow you always manage to get my juices flowing with your comments! haha. I do enjoy our little exchanges here. Am concerned however that you feel something to be killing you? Have you spent time chatting with any of the main accounts behind the naturalmedicine group? If I felt something really off in my body, this would be my first port of call. The combined knowledge of people in that group is more powerful than any doctor or hospital.

At no point in my life have my predictions about the future 10 years out been anywhere near accurate. I imagine it's the same for you.

Actually no. Before I left London ten years ago I spent time visualising my future life. Specifics are important with things like this, so I included a feeling of wealth, mountains, food abundance, beautiful children, beautiful woman... I even requested a petite brunette, which worked out perfect. Though she did recently dye her hair blonde! haha.

The main reason I left London was because I knew there was a countdown to some big event which would change society and increase control for the elite. I even gave lectures about this, in an attempt to wake people up. The age of decadence is always followed by the age of decline & collapse. And this thing we are experiencing now is an unavoidable consequence of the way in which empires always crumble in the end.

So I couldn't see what the event was going to be but I could see enough of our future to know that I needed to change my life dramatically, having been a city dweller since birth.

The elite wouldn't have to run events like Event 201 if they knew everything. Though they must surely have an exceptionally well informed view of the future and as I have said before, I don't believe this is the first time we have been 'reset' in this way, so I see them as being very good at doing what they do. But they are very bad at understanding humans and the way in which we will react to what is happening.

Five years from now the world will look like a very different place and if I am going to be honest, I prefer not to describe it publicly.

But can I predict what's going to happen next week? Not a chance!
