Keep It Smart & Simple - Inner Peace & Happiness

"The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence." -Norman Vincent Peale

Vincent Norman Peale was an American author who was known for popularizing the concept of "Positive thinking". He was a spiritual man who understood what living a simple life was. In his quote above, he believes life is easy when you live with that equanimity which is known as a life of Inner peace.

Image by Tante_tati From Pixabay

Inner peace is easily defined but not easy to master. It refers to a deliberate state of calmness despite the potential presence of stressors. When a person exhibits calmness under stress, he/she is said to have inner peace.

I wouldn't say I have grown my inner peace as sometimes I still get ripped apart by some things, however, I have found ways in which I create happiness for myself and fight any stressor. Just before I go ahead to share how I try to maintain composure and calmness, I must mention that I'm on a journey of self-discovery and I'm willing to change my methods and lifestyle provided it guarantees happiness and peace.

I would also like to read your tips on how you achieve inner peace and happiness. This topic was brought up by the community and has designed hot Questions that would make writing easier.

#KISS 19' Inner Peace & Happiness

#KISS - Blogging Ideas 19

Simple Things I Do That Makes me Happy

  • Talking To new people: I'm always happy when I meet someone new, the first impressions, understanding from a different perspective, and learning. It comes easy and simple to me and it makes me happy. I've read books on communication, and personality, I don't easily get influenced by negative vibes from new people.

  • Playing Chess: When I'm sad, or stressed, instead of me to shout at people or getting angry, I most times login to an online chess server and take it out on my opponents in a game of chess. It makes me happy and it is simple

  • Meditate:

Well, ever since understanding the power of nature. I experience calmness and joy when I spend time alone in a quiet place practicing my nature meditation. It improves my well-being because it helps me think deeply and makes me understand my mistakes so I can't repeat them.

Nature & I - How Nature meditation helps me remain sane

My ways of Achieving Happiness and Living in harmony with people:

  • I Forgive At all times: To be honest, human beings can be very annoying and provoking especially the ones in your environment (The close ones). It is very easy for them to test your inner peace.

I know this and it helps me stay in check when the time comes. It is not so easy to forgive instantly, however, if you cherish your state of mind, you would know nobody is worth making you sad.

  • Reading

I love to read about humans, both the "Good Books" & "Bad books"... It helps me stay ahead. You might wonder what I tag bad books. I just did that because spiritual people don't want people reading books on manipulation, seduction, and e.t.c. However, I consider every piece of knowledge important and helpful. Reading makes me happy and helps me understand my environment better.

In Conclusion...

Life is short and we can spend it getting angry every time or being unhappy. I think it is very important for us to develop that emotional intelligence that helps us keep our inner peace and give us the right direction to a happy place.

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I am @samostically, I love to talk and write about chess because I benefited alot from playing chess. sometimes I share my thoughts on life in general and I write about my love for hive!
I love to engage with others and I love communication. I believe life is all about staying happy and maintaining peace.


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Thanks For Reading!


Hello @samostically

I detect that you are a fairly happy person from what you've written 😁

if you cherish your state of mind, you would know nobody is worth making you sad.

It's so nice to hear someone say this because it's something that I believe in so strongly, and I use it as a compass to keep disturbances at bay.
My inner peace is far too dear to me.

Whenever I pick up on the reality that someone is trying to hurt my feelings, I always observe and smile, because most times such actions highlight the weaknesses of others.

It's not an easy feat really to achieve and maintain inner peace, but I think it's one of the attributes one could possess.

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Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉

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speaking lips


Thank you for reading me again. I appreciate the existence of this community. And yes, I'm a happy or I try to be.

I hope you had a good day? Stay safe!


Thanks for your lovely reply.
Have a nice weekend:))


I totally agree with you. No information is bad. It's how you use it that determines it's purpose. For me, i read everything i am interested in.
