Drinking cocada in the streets of El Tigre Venezuela | Lifestyle



Las cocadas son una bebida fría preparada a base de coco, son deliciosas y refrescantes. eventualmente las tomo cuando voy a la playa, pero en esta oportunidad iba pasando por la calle y vi un puesto de estos que están en las esquinas y no pude evitar entrar a probar una cocada.

Cocadas are a cold drink made from coconut, they are delicious and refreshing. eventually, I drink them when I go to the beach, but this time I was walking down the street and I saw one of those stands that are on street corners and I couldn't help but go inside to taste a Cocada.


Algo que me fascina de las Cocadas es que están preparadas con leche de coco y coco fresco, son tan sabrosas que provoca tomar varias raciones. Me dieron a escoger diversas presentaciones, yo elegí la presentación que tenía un costo de 2$ que es este pequeño base que viene con un tope de arequipe.

Something that fascinates me about the Cocadas is that they are prepared with coconut milk and fresh coconut, they are so tasty that it provokes to take several servings. I was given a choice of different presentations, I chose the presentation that had a cost of 2$ which is this small base that comes with a topping of arequipe.


Aunque este lugar es super sencillo, recibí muy buena atención por la chica que me atendió, era muy amable e incluso me regaló otra ración de cocada. Además me estuvo comentando que su abuela es del Estado Sucre Venezuela, una zona de muchas playas y que le encanta preparar dulces a base de coco, entonces al parecer es un tema familiar, elaborar productos a base de coco.

En la ciudad no conozco muchos lugares donde vendan este tipo de productos, espero encontrar otro lugar y poder comparar los sabores.

Y a ti ¿Te gustan las bebidas a base de coco? Déjame saber en los comentarios.

Although this place is super simple, I received very good attention from the girl who served me, she was very kind and even gave me another serving of coconut. She was also telling me that her grandmother is from the State of Sucre Venezuela, an area with many beaches and that she loves to prepare coconut-based sweets, so it seems to be a family affair, making coconut-based products.

In the city I don't know many places where they sell this kind of products, I hope to find another place and be able to compare the flavors.

Do you like coconut-based drinks? Let me know in the comments.

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Some time you may try with few !PIZZA.


Oh thank you! Just today I shared my experience having pizza with traditional flavor. 😀
