"Thati bellam"- drink


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hi hivers,hope you are doing good and today i would like to share one of the drink which is good for health.we can make it in home.

its very very simple to make it.

it needs-

  1. "thati bellam"(jaggery of palm)
  2. pure drinking water in a glass

we just have to break that jaggery into pieces and drop pieces in water and stir with spoon.

and this is how it looks like after making it.

thati bellam is made in underground and burnt at high temperatue.it has some procedure to make it.

uses of this drink-

  • when we consume it regularly, it is good for digestion
  • it is rich in iron
  • it acts as antioxidant too and many more are there.

thanks for reading,
with regards-

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