Comic Book Speculation

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I hope you picked up a few of the hot books from last week; that 1:25 Spider Woman Rose Besch from last week just sold for +$170 USD on eBay. That's like...a profit. I know Leofinance hates comic book speculation, but a buck is a buck in the world of finance - Leofinance token or otherwise. And being not one to judge, I bring you a few more ideas on books you can pick up today at cover price and sell for profit on eBay, should you chose to.

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It's a slick cover, and I believe the story is from the perspective of homeless/abandoned dogs who witness an ongoing horror narrative in their part of the world. This one has a cover price of $4 USD, but new listings are pushing the $15 USD range. I'm on the fence about picking this one maybe? I may wait on reviews before pulling the buy trigger.

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This Finch cover, a 1:50 ratio for Black Panther, is getting about +$15 USD over ratio. Not bad...not bad at all. I am passing on it, personally.

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Momokok is back this week with a Daredevil 25, 1:25, 3rd print (whew!). Sales are in the solid $70 USD range, so if you see this cheap today, you know what to do. I'm passing on this one too.

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Here is a solid pick up today; this sweet Miles Moreales Marvel Voices one shot has a cover price of $5 USD. eBay sales are in the $25 USD range, with some new listings even higher in price. I'd grab it if it were at my local shop, but I'm 100% certain any copies they had are long gone out the back door. Again...not judging...I understand the game right now.

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Snag this cheap one too at $4USD. Sales, although limited, are in the $15 - $20 USD range. Another one I'm passing on today. I really don't like the idea of killing unicorns...maybe it's the Harry Potter in me?

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This new Aftershock comic book sounds like a good read; set during the Cold War days of the last century in an alternate universe, it features a setting where nuclear bomb is dropped on the Midwest during the US. It's based on PKD story, so I and definitely picking up the A cover to read this one. I smell TV show, a la The Man in the High Castle. Finally, PKD is getting continued love.

This 1:10 (maybe 1:15? sellers seem unsure) is getting about $25 USD right now.

And now we getting into the Batbooks this week that are tearing off; I'm not planning on getting any of these unless I can snag them near cover price.

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All of these you can grab at your store for $6 USD cover price. The first one is Middleton's A -cover. Current listings are in the $15 -20 USD range for this beautiful piece of art.

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The Sana Takeda B - cover isn't getting quite a strong numbers on resale can still get this one for under $10 USD all in on eBay (with some listings again in the $15 USD range).

Featuring some new characters to the Batman mythos, collectors are seeking this one out heavy early ont today. I really like the Middleton one, and will try to grab it once price cools off.

That's it for me this week (and more importantly, what the data is showing). Good luck everyone who ventures out today; I wish you much fortune on your weekly comic book adventure.


Interesting. I never thought I'd see a post about comics from a financial point of view. It's a fine insight.


hey thanks for the comment - yeah, I try to do this each week on Wednesdays. I do enjoy a good comic story, for sure, but I am also trying to build up a small, valuable collection for my daughter that she can have in the future. I try to buy stuff that will hold value long term, but if I can help someone out there make a few dollars if they are interested, I'm happy to help out.


Well, that sounds lovely. I like learning about this collectibles and their values. Not that I can get into any of it. But having the information doesn't hurt.


That is fascinating! You could totally turn this into full time work! Do you do that?


Oh no - I only collect what I read and hold long term for our daughter. My thinking is that comics will be long gone by the time she is 18 (at least in hard copy form). I'd love to pass her along something that is obsolete when she gets old enough - and maybe have a little value too? At least she might have some sentimental value (or throw it away, lol)


All of my well loved 10cent comics that I bought with my allowance money back in the 60s got mixed in with my younger brothers and when my mom was cleaning out her attic she gave them all to my nephew. And then his house burned down.


oh no! I've seen some of those older comics go for big money; people find at rummage sales, slab them (put them in a plastic holder and have them graded on quality), and go for some big money in auctions.

My dad had a similar situation over here years ago at his aunt's home; she threw out his entire baseball like Mickey Mantle, Hank Aaron, Warren Spahn, Eddie Matthews...all of those long gone to some dump. If only we all had a time travel machine!


I guess that's why the price goes up and up! There must be many sad stories like ours.


The trick with reselling the comics to make a profit is that you need to find a buyer, too.

Interestingly, comichub has The Nuclear Family at $8.99 already, and it comes with this disclaimer:

Availability: This issue is limited to 1 for every 15 regular copies ordered. A premium will be charged.

Fiends. That said, I really like what Aftershock has been doing.

My local store just doesn't carry the alternative covers to many of the issues anymore unless ordered well in advance. I can't really blame them; they don't want a lot of extra stock sitting around.
