RE: It's time to break the curse

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Riley had a wild adventure that I wish I could be like him. Imagine having the chance to be anyone at anytime and switch around as much as you want. That's a life well lived. Although, he had to take other people's dreams to live that. It's great that Selena relieved him of the burden of not being himself. I hope that works out well for him.


I think some of us have a little bit of Riley in us. We always want to reach for another person's thing. It could be a trait, a talent, a possession, we don't feel content with what we have, who we are, and what we can do.

We assume we will be happy if we have what the other person has. If the universe smiles down on us, and we get our hands on these desires, we no longer feel happy or content, then we start questioning, "What was the essence?", "why am I not happy?".

It's human nature and I hope that those of us who are yet to discover our purpose will do so soon enough so we can let go of other people's lives. Thank you for reading.
