(What happens when you cut your nails with your teeth? 5 ways to stop)


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem All Praises Great Allahu ta'ala salamualaikum rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu How are you all I hope you are all well in the infinite mercy of the great Rabbul Alamin I am also very good in your prayers and in the infinite mercy of Allah.
(What happens when you cut your nails with your teeth? 5 ways to stop)


There are many people in our society, young and old, when they get a chance, they start to go to Mecca with their hands inside their mouths.
Many people, regardless of age, have a bad habit of cutting their nails with their teeth. In the language of medical science it is called onychophagia. This is a mental problem. Many people cannot give up this bad habit which started from childhood and grows up.

  • Cutting nails with teeth can cause various problems. E.g.-
    Our fingernails are always infested with bacteria. If you cut your fingernails with your teeth, this person will get into your mouth and cause various problems in your stomach, which will make your health worse.
    The habit of cutting nails with teeth is very common in children as a result of which the structure of children's teeth is not good. Even if you want to bring your child back from this bad habit, you must keep a close watch on your child.
    As a result of cutting their nails with their teeth, it is often seen that the skin around our nails is cut off.
    And so experts say to give up these bad habits, let's find out how to give up these bad habits.
    When your fingernails are big, you will want to cut them with your teeth, so all you have to do is keep your fingernails short all the time and if your fingernails are big, bacteria will also nest more, so it is always better to keep them short.
    Another way is that you can use nail polish in your goal. In this case, whenever you go to cut the nails, the original nail polish Ershad financial will smell will keep you away from it.
    To maintain the beauty of the nails, do occasional manicure and it will come back to your face. You will not want to cut your nails with your teeth.
    Another special thing about cutting nails with teeth is that those who are overly anxious and stressed often cut their nails with their teeth, so always try to keep yourself free from worries.
    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu left here like today wishing everyone to be well and healthy.
