My way out of the house / Mi salida de casa | Theme:Possibilities / Tema: Posibilidades


Hello hivers, #happypizzaday to all. I hope you are doing great and celebrating an important day. I didn't bring you pizza this time, but here I am with yet another entry on @hivenaija.

Hola hivers, #happypizzaday para todos. Espero que estén muy bien y estén celebrando un día importante. Esta vez no les traje pizza, pero aquí estoy con otra entrada más en @hivenaija.

I have already mentioned to you that I come from a small town, so, leaving home for me, was a dream because I didn't know (currently) I don't know many places, besides knowing, I was in spite that I would have the freedom to do whatever I wanted (I was a teenager at the time) and well that day came.

Ya les he mencionado que vengo de un pueblito, así que, salir de casa para mí, era un sueño porque no conocía (actualmente) no conozco muchos sitios, además de conocer, estaba en pesar que tendría la libertad de hacer lo que quisiera (era una adolescente en ese momento) y pues ese día llegó.

I graduated from high school (in 🇻🇪 it is called bachillerato), I had to go out to study a university career and obviously in my town there were no universities, so I had to leave home, live in the state or city where the university that I would study was located and face whatever came my way.

Me gradué de la secundaria (en 🇻🇪 se le dice bachillerato), había que salir a estudiar una carrera universitaria y obviamente en mi pueblo no había universidades, así que debía salir de casa, vivir en el estado o ciudad donde estuviese la universidad que me tocaría estudiar y enfrentar lo que viniese.


In my mind I only thought that it was great, that I was going to have the possibilities to do a thousand things, whatever I wanted, however I wanted. I confess that I only imagined the freedom of not having your mother spying on you 🤣.

En mi mente yo solo pensaba que era genial, que iba a tener las posibilidades de hacer mil cosas, lo que quisiera, como quisiera. Confieso que solo suponía en la libertad de no tener a tu madre espiándote 🤣.

Fortunately, I didn't have to move out of state, I only moved 4 hours away from my town to the capital. I remember I arrived with my mom on a Wednesday to the city of Cumaná, we were received by an uncle (my mom's brother) at his house. On Thursday I went to register and take my papers to the university where I would study. When we arrived my uncle told us where we could get a room for me to rent and live there.

Afortunadamente, no tuve que mudarme de estado, solo me alejé 4 horas de mi pueblo a la capital. Recuerdo que llegué con mi mamá un miércoles a la ciudad de Cumaná, nos recibió un tío (hermano de mi mamá) en su casa. El jueves me fui a inscribir y llevar mis papeles a la universidad donde estudiaría. Al llegar mi tío nos dijo donde podríamos conseguir habitación para yo alquilar y vivir allí.


We went out on Friday to look for a room and that day we found it. It was a big house that rented all the rooms for students, I was going to share room, bathroom, everything. It was a house of 12 women (including me). The house had 6 rooms and two people in each one. I liked the layout, everything and I accepted.

Salimos el viernes en la búsqueda y ese día lo encontramos. Era una casa grande que alquilaban todas las habitaciones para estudiantes, iba a compartir cuarto, baño, todo. Era una casa de 12 mujeres (incluyéndome). La casa tenía 6 cuartos y dos personas en cada uno. Me gustó la distribución, todo y acepté.

On Saturday we brought my suitcase and nothing else, my mom helped me arrange everything, we spent Sunday together and on Monday she left, just like that. I stayed with 17 years old in a city I didn't know, in an area I didn't know, with people I had barely seen and alone waiting for classes to start. That's where it all started.

El sábado trajimos mi maleta y nada más, mi mamá me ayudó acomodar todo, estuvimos el domingo juntas y el lunes se fue, así sin más. Me he quedado con 17 años en una ciudad que no conocía, en un sector que no conocía, con personas que apenas había visto y sola esperando que iniciarán clases. Allí empezó todo.


I remember the times I got lost taking transportation to go downtown, the fear when I was dropped off in places I didn't know. There was no possibility of arriving at the residence and getting food ready to eat as I did at home. Here I started to organize myself in buying my things, going to the market, etc.

Recuerdo las veces que me perdí agarrando transporte para ir la centro de la ciudad, el miedo cuando me dejaron en sitios que no conocía. No existía la posibilidad de llegar a la residencia y conseguir comida lista como pasaba en casa. Aquí empecé a organizarme en comprar mis cosas, hacer mercado, etc.

The first months financially it was a disaster, I knew how to do everything at home, cooking and so on, but my grandmother and my mother were the ones who did the big market. It was up to me alone and several times I was left without money and without the possibility of doing anything else because I didn't even have enough money for transportation. I stayed at the residence.

Los primeros meses económicamente fue un desastre, yo sabía hacer de todo en casa, cocinar y así, pero quién hacía mercado grande eran mi abuela y mi mamá. Me tocó a mí sola y varias veces me quedé sin dinero y si las posibilidades de hacer otra cosa porque no tenía ni para el transporte. Me quedaba en la residencia.

One of the things that cost me the most was to understand that I would no longer have my group of friends that we had been studying since preschool, but I had to make new friends and how? I had always been with the same people. This was hard.

Una de las cosas que más me costó fue entender que ya no tendría a mi grupo de amigos que veníamos estudiando desde preescolar, sino que debía hacer nuevos amigos y ¿cómo? Si yo venía desde siempre con las mismas personas. Esto fue duro.

I was not a social person at all, I was very closed and I refused to have other friends than the ones I already had. I didn't talk much (I do now 🤣). I would go out to college, get to the dorm and lock myself in until the next day.

Yo no era una persona nada sociable, era muy cerrada y me negaba a tener otros amigos que los que ya tenía. No hablaba mucho (ahora sí 🤣). Salía a la universidad, llegaba a la residencia y me encerraba hasta el otro día.


The freedom I used to dream about didn't really appeal to me anymore 🤣. I missed my grandmother a lot, my friends, walking everywhere at all hours. There I had to go out at certain hours, keeping an eye on the clock so I wouldn't be late because there was no more transportation or the area where I lived was lonely.

La libertad con la que soñaba ya no me gustaba mucho 🤣. Extrañaba mucho a mi abuela, a mis amigos, irme caminando a todas partes a toda horas. Allí tenía que salir a ciertas horas, pendiente del reloj que no se me hiciese tarde porque ya no había transporte o la zona donde vivía quedaba sola.

A process began in which I realized that now I was alone as I wanted to be and I had no one close to me. So I adapted, matured in many ways, left behind my fears and decided to open myself to all the possibilities that the city, student life and living alone offered me.

Empezó un proceso en dónde caí en cuenta que ahora sí estaba sola como quería y ya no tenía cerca a nadie. Así que me adapté, madure en muchos sentidos, deje atrás miedos y decidí abrirme a todas las posibilidades que me brindaba la ciudad, la vida de estudiante y vivir sola.


Along the way I had jobs, learning, I made friends that made me more extroverted, to the point that once I arrived to my town greeting everyone and people commented that I had changed and where was the other me 🤣.

En el camino tuve trabajos, aprendizaje, hice amigos que me hicieron ser más extrovertida, al punto que una vez llegué a mi pueblo saludando a todo mundo y la gente comentaba que me habían cambiado y dónde estaba la otra yo 🤣.

Leaving home generates a lot of uncertainty, fears and distrust, but it also shows us an open letter of possibilities for personal growth, expansion, resurgence, that knowing how to take advantage of all that we can be better every day.

Salir de casa nos genera mucha incertidumbre, miedos y desconfianza, pero también se nos muestra una carta abierta de posibilidades al crecimiento personal, a la expansión, al resurgir, que sabiendo aprovechar todo eso podemos ser mejores cada día.


Getting out of the house is something I would recommend to young people. It is an outward journey that will bring us back significant changes and we will be better.

Salir de casa, es algo que le recomendaría a los jóvenes. Es un viaje de ida que nos traerá de vuelta cambios significativos y seremos mejores.


Paragraph dividers: free-use, taken from this publication
Front page: made in Canva
Translation: DeepL


Separadores de párrafo: uso libre, tomados de esta publicación
Portada: realizada en Canva
Traducción: DeepL


Has transmitido a la perfección un mensaje importante al tiempo que nos hacías partícipes de tu experiencia! Tus razones para querer irte son totalmente comprensibles, ya que es la razón que muchos adolescentes tienen también. Y luego descubres que el mundo exterior no es realmente el oro que parecía. Nos ha encantado tu historia. Gracias por tu entrada!

You so perfectly relayed an important message all the while letting us know your experience! Your reasons for wanting to leave are totally relatable as that is the reason many teens/adolescents have as well. And then you find that the outside world isn't truly the gold it seemed! We enjoyed your story! Thank you for your entry!


I guess the university was what took a lot of us out of our houses. Even then, it was shades of ups and downs. Life opened up better too.


So it was and I am grateful to have left home and grown up.


Leaving our comfort zones may be very painful but most times it exposes and empowers us to become better personalities.

If you hadn't left home, you may never get that maturity life gave you along the line easily, I am sure your mom and granny would have been carrying you around like a baby when you ought to be standing by yourself..


I really enjoyed reading your entry, i could feel most of the emotions of your uncertainty through out the story. And then the final results of how it opened you up to great possibilities about yourself is a great lesson.

Then again, would you say it also opened you to unpleasant situations that made you wish you never left home?


No, leaving home was the best thing I could have done. I had some unpleasant situations afterwards, but due to other circumstances.

Going out puts our feet on


A city just 4 hours away from home is still far away fro home.
I respect your courage at taking the bull by the horn and exploring life further in the tertiary education


Aunque era 4 horas pase hasta 1 año sin ir porque no tenía dinero para viajar.
Hoy en día vme quedé en esa ciudad y allí formé mi familia
