Worm and Our Ecosystem



Dear all my friends..

In the morning I went to the garden to see the ginger and lemongrass plants I just planted last week. While pulling grass and other weeds I found earthworms. I took the time to take photos to share with all my friends.
To some people worms may look disgusting. However, I looked at this worm with great gratitude. These worms will help me and the farmers in cultivating agricultural land or gardens.
As we all know, fertile soil is the dream of every farmer and plant keeper. Fertile soil will provide sufficient nutrition for plants so that they grow well. Good growth in plants is expected to provide a bountiful harvest. A good harvest means that it will provide sufficient family needs.
One of the determinants of soil fertility is the presence of organisms in the soil, including earthworms. Earthworms contribute greatly to maintaining soil fertility. The existence of these worms is certainly very beneficial for plants and humans.


Natural indicators of soil fertility

Soil fertility can be seen from various indicators. One of them is the presence of worms. These worms are used as indicators of soil containing high levels of organic matter.
Worms will give organic soil fertility. Worms recycle organic waste into nutrients that are needed by plants.

Earthworms make a very big contribution to efforts to restore a healthy soil environment. Farmers' habit of using chemical fertilizers makes the soil arid. The presence of worms will be able to change the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Worms will eat the remaining substances in the soil. Dirt from worms will provide fertile soil. These animals are major contributors to enriching and improving soil for plants, animals, and even humans.

In taxonomy earthworms are classified in the phylum Annelida or Annelids. Annelida comes from the Latin meaning, "little ring". This can be seen from the earthworm body consisting of ring-like segments that are used for locomotion and digging.

The segments of the worm can contract and relax independently, causing the body to lengthen in one area or contract in another. This helps the worms to be more flexible and stronger in their movements.

Soil aeration

With their elongated shape, earthworms tunnel through the soil by burrowing, which aerates the soil to allow air, water and nutrients to reach deep in the soil. Worms also create space for air to reach plant roots.
Different types of earthworms can burrow horizontally and vertically, some of which can be very deep in the soil. These burrows create pores through which oxygen and water can enter and carbon dioxide can leave the soil. This will help the roots to more easily lead to more nutritious soil.
The role of earthworms becomes very important because they eat soil that contains organic matter such as rotting plants or leaves. Of course we know plants cannot use this organic material directly.
With the presence of earthworms can be decomposers. After the organic matter is digested, the earthworm releases waste from its body. This waste contains many nutrients that plants can use.


Earthworms can dismantle material which is a nutrient in the bodies of dead plants and animals. Worms convert organic matter into a form that is ready to be taken up by living plants.

In this way the worms can help fertilize the plant. Earthworms mix the soil layer and introduce organic matter into the soil. This mixture increases soil fertility by allowing organic matter to spread through the soil and make the nutrients available to bacteria, fungi and plants. Moreover, when the earthworm dies, it can also provide fertility with the nitrogen content of the protein in the worm's body.

Given the magnitude of the services of worms in the ecosystem and human life, it is fitting for us to provide living space for worms so that they can synergize with each other.

Thus my writing this time may be useful.

Best regard from Indonesia.

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Some people use specific species of worm for composting, but for me, whichever is readily available should work.

Good luck on your journey!


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Warm regard from Indonesia


Sorry we cannot upvote mostly copied information.
