Buffalo and extensive Coconut plantations


Hi all friends. meet me again @riyat. This time I will share several pictures of stories about my uncle's "buffalo".

and oh how are you all?
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Today I helped my uncle wander the buffalo in the coconut plantation, I helped tie and move the buffalo, and took him to a small river to drink water, the buffalo was fat and healthy.
Below are some photos of buffalo eating grass

When it was getting late in the afternoon I took the buffalo to the river to drink water, this river is not very big but the water in this river never dries up.

The abundant and fresh grass makes the buffalo really want to eat the grass, and usually after the buffalo drinks, we immediately move it back to the garden, and tie a rope to the coconut tree, so that the buffalo doesn't get lost. .

and after I took some pictures of buffalo I also took some pictures of the beautiful views of the coconut plantations, wide fields and towering coconut trees.

that's my excitement today, wandering on my uncle's buffalo, this is truly a very valuable experience for me. and which one of you has a buffalo too...?If there is, keep your spirits up, because the price of buffalo is very expensive

I think that's enough of my photos and stories, I hope what I share can be entertainment for all my friends.

please continue to support me. Your support is an encouragement for me to be more diligent in my work

I'm @riyat, see you again another day
I love you all 🥰🥰🥰


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