Hispaliterario | La trampa (The trap) [ES/EN]



La trampa

La familia Pastrana era dueña de una de las floristerías más reconocidas de New York, pero mucho se hablaba de que un negocio de estos no podría sostener la vida de lujos que llevaban. No faltaban los rumores que decían que se dedicaban al narcotráfico, pero nada podía comprobarlo.

Néstor Pastrana, descubría que cada vez que salían de viaje, alguien entraba a hurgar entre sus cosas, sobre todo en el estudio, cerca del sótano; Él había encontrado en dos ocasiones todo removido; lo curioso era que las cerraduras no estaban forzadas. Así que decidió poner una trampa para descubrir de quién se trataba.

Llegaba el viernes y todo estaba listo para viajar a Cancún; Néstor tenía todo planeado: había colocado cámaras que podían ver hasta el lugar más remoto de la casa. Le había costado un dineral, pero era imperativo descubrir y eliminar al intruso, así como toda posible amenaza.

Era sábado en la noche y Mary Brown, detective de narcóticos, se introducía como otras veces a la casa de los Pastrana Laguado, sin sospechar que estaba siendo vigilada. Su informante de la floristería le había avisado del viaje y no dudó un instante en buscar esas pistas que le revelarían el secreto económico de aquella poderosa familia; iba directo al despacho, pues sus sospechas le indicaban que ese era el único lugar donde podrían estar ocultos los datos necesarios ya sea en la computadora o correspondencia.

Llevaba aproximadamente 30 minutos leyendo documentos, cuando oyó un estruendo en la sala, sigilosamente tomaba su arma, y sorprendía a un joven que al verla se espantaba.

–¿Qué haces aquí? –, se preguntaban al unísono.

Mary intuía que el chico entró a robar, tenía en sus manos una escultura muy valiosa y una bolsa llena con otros objetos.

–Vete y haré que no vi nada –, le decía con cierto enojo.

–Me llevaré el botín, no entré aquí para irme vacío –, exclamaba el hombre, con un dejo autoridad.

–Última advertencia, ¡lárgateee!

Al verse amenazado, se tiraba sobre ella comenzando un forcejeo, caían al piso, él intentaba quitarle el arma, se le subía, sujetándola con las piernas, en medio de la pelea ella advertía que estaban siendo grabados. Le gritó al chico que la suelte: si seguían peleando, estarían perdiendo minutos de vida. El chico se detenía y ella le mostraba la cámara.

–¿Qué vamos, hacer? –, le decía el hombre mientras los nervios iban recorriendo su columna vertebral.

–Salir por donde entramos y rápido, ¡corre! –, hablaba Mary en tanto buscaba salir de aquel lugar presurosa.

Pero, cuando se disponían a huir, llega un hombre armado con el rostro cubierto: les apuntaba. Mary instintivamente también le apuntó, pidiéndole que bajara el arma.

–Sssss, veo que mi trampa fue eficaz, pude atrapar a un par de ratas intrusas ¿Qué diablos hacen en mi casa?

Mary por temor a quedar al descubierto, respondía antes que el chico lo hiciera.

–A Robar, a eso entramos.

Sin esperar a que el enmascarado reaccione, ella disparaba y salía corriendo junto al chico, ambos pudieron escapar, sin lograr su cometido.

A Mary no le quedaban dudas que los Pastrana escondían el verdadero origen de su riqueza y despilfarro, pero estúpidamente había caído en la trampa y no tenía manera de demostrar nada.



The Trap

The Pastrana family owned one of the most renowned flower shops in New York, but there was much talk that such a business could not sustain the luxurious life they led. There were rumors that they were involved in drug trafficking, but nothing could prove it.

Nestor Pastrana, discovered that every time they left on a trip, someone came in to rummage through their things, especially in the study, near the basement; he had found everything removed on two occasions; the curious thing was that the locks were not forced. So he decided to set a trap to find out who it was.

Friday arrived and everything was ready to travel to Cancun; Nestor had everything planned: he had set up cameras that could see even the most remote part of the house. It had cost him a fortune, but it was imperative to discover and eliminate the intruder, as well as any possible threat.

It was Saturday night and Mary Brown, a narcotics detective, was entering the Pastrana Laguado house, as she had done on other occasions, without suspecting that she was being watched. Her informant from the flower shop had warned her about the trip and she did not hesitate a moment to look for those clues that would reveal the economic secret of that powerful family; she went straight to the office, since her suspicions indicated that this was the only place where the necessary data could be hidden, either in the computer or in the correspondence.

He had been reading documents for about 30 minutes when he heard a noise in the room, stealthily picked up his gun, and surprised a young man who was startled by the sight of it.

"What are you doing here," they asked in unison.

Mary sensed that the boy came in to steal, he had in his hands a very valuable sculpture and a bag full of other objects.

"Go away and I'll pretend I didn't see anything," she said angrily.

I'll take the loot, I didn't come in here to leave empty," exclaimed the man, with a hint of authority.

"Last warning, get out!"

When he saw himself threatened, he threw himself on top of her, starting a struggle, they fell to the floor, he tried to take the gun from her, he climbed on her, holding her legs, in the middle of the fight she noticed that they were being recorded. She shouted to the boy to let her go: if they kept fighting, they would be losing minutes of their lives. The boy would stop and she would show him the camera.

"What are we going to do," the man was telling her as nerves were running down his spine.

"Go out the way we came in and run!" Mary spoke as she hurriedly tried to get out of the place.

But, as they were about to flee, an armed man arrived with his face covered: he was pointing his gun at them. Mary instinctively pointed at him too, asking him to lower his gun.

"Yessssss, I see my trap was effective, I was able to catch a couple of intruder rats What the hell are you doing in my house?"

Mary for fear of being exposed, answered before the boy did.

"Stealing, that's what we came in for."

Without waiting for the masked man to react, she shot and ran away with the boy, both were able to escape, without achieving their goal.

Mary had no doubt that the Pastrana family was hiding the true origin of their wealth and squandering, but she had stupidly fallen into the trap and had no way to prove anything.


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Texto autoría de:
Yenny Aldazora

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