"The Little Difference Engine That Could" by RFY (Holy Fool)

Keeping motivated. Experimenting with reality. Hoping to get lost in the woods (from my bedroom. It happens!) Let's venture forth....


5 Jan. 2023


[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 19

Jeebus... The trip to the hospital last night ended about as positively as it could. Mariah's dad is still kicking and has improved (mentally and physically) in the last 24 hours, so that's good. Tentacles crossed he continues to heal up!

Today was a babysitting day. Those are fun, but can also be exhausting because my granddaughter is THREE. (I, however, am slightly older than that.) We made a bunch of art (hand drawn pieces on chunks of recycled cardboard - cereal boxes and other food containers, mostly.) I've got everything we did today photographed already, but I still need to edit and color the images in my phone before I'm ready to share any of them...

It's only 8:PM, but I'm already tired! That's what happens when you get old... You get tired at inconvenient times!

I've got the kid again tomorrow (so everyone else can work.) Not sure what we're going to do to fill up the day, but I'm betting there will be more coloring. (That's how we do it!!!)

Brain isn't functioning well tonight, so I'm cutting it early. Still proud of myself for continuing the experiment! Hopefully, I'll write some more interesting words tomorrow!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



6 Jan. 2023


"Stop Worshiping Idiots" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

stop worshiping idiots.png

[Digital drawing over recycled digital art with layers and colors and psychosis.] I guess this is a tantrum on my part. I summoned a blue demon to threaten the citizens of the world. The creature doesn't actually say, "Or else!" but I think it's implied... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Virtue Signaling" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

virtue signaling.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Why is it that most "virtue signaling" is so nasty and abusive, lately? Instant it possible to be a "good person" without belittling or hurting someone else? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Abstract Emotions" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

abstract emotions.png

[Crayon on reclaimed cardboard over printed blanket with digital embellishments and color.] Attempting to express my feelings about LIFE, the UNIVERSE, and EVERYTHING... Those are abstract concepts, so the appropriate response is also abstract. ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Excitement" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


[Liner pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] The monsters are looking around right now, and they are THRILLED with what they see!!! Rrrrraaaaah!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 20

The WEEKEND starts here... (To quote Fatboy Slim...) I enjoy me some techno tunes. Maybe I'll do a techno episode of my pirate radio show one of these days. (Why not?)

I'm sleeping in tomorrow. I've been trying to keep up with the artwork, but I've slid behind. I'm MAKING a lot of art lately (much of it in collaboration with my granddaughter), but my creative process involves multiple steps: hand drawing, photographing, digital manipulation and color, and then publishing the art to some platform. I have a giant manilla envelope full of completed drawings that haven't been photographed yet. I've got a dozen or more pieces of art on my phone waiting to cropped and colored and made all fancy. I have about 50 completed pieces on my desktop waiting to go up on social media. I would love to get all of that stuff up and in front of the (potential) eyes of all those folks who might get a laugh...

The trick (I have found) is to just keep plugging away. Thousands of little gestures. Over the coursre of years (decades, in my case), a substantial body of work can be created... My job, throughout a number of career changes since the late 1980s, has been MAKING SHIT. Even BEFORE I had a job. Even before I could read or started school, I'm been making art. I have memories of drawing at four years old. I was writing stories by seven. (I've been a shaman-in-training since I was four-years-old, when I was hit by a car and spent two months in the hospital. My entire consciousness after that incident has been BENT towards expressing my experience of the UNIVERSAL condition: ABSURDITY...) The trick (I have found) is to just keep plugging away...

So... That's probably enough babble for tonight... Thanks for stopping by and checking in on me. (I'm doing okay.)


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



"Teeth are for Biting..." by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

teeth are for biting.png

[Ultra-fine point Sharpie on reclaimed cardboard over pillowcase with digital embellishments, drawing, and color.] Break through the conditioning. Break through... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



7 Jan. 2023


"Henry Lovejoy" by RFY (Holy Fool)

Henry Lovejoy.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments, layers, and color over recycled artwork.] Henry Lovejoy had a night garden! (And he was occasionally not insane!) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"Fade to Black" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

fade to black.png

[Liner pen on paper with digital embellishments, colors, and layers.] I THINK this is a self-portrait, but it might just be a poem. (Not sure.) Meanwhile, it seems like it's about time for a MEGA-SALE, you lucky collecting peeps!!! 23 editions are being manufactured for only 0.13 tezos each, and the unclaimed editions will be SACRIFICED to the FIRE GODS in just a few days!!! (I'll get bored and want to do another sale pretty soon, but I don't like to do a bunch of sales all at once...) Yeah... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



"What? When? How?" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

what when how.png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments, color, and drawing.] That's the trouble with having your eyes and mouth sown closed, it's tough to tell what's going on, and extremely difficult to ask for clarification!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



[Posted to typed.art]:

"DAY 21

My power cord on my laptop is dysfunctional, and my machine has stopped (semi-unexpectedly) several times in the last hour or so. I'm sure it's really good for an old machine to get shut down and restarted several times in just a few minutes, right???

I might have to experiment with posting my next typed.art piece with my phone, just to see if it's a possible avenue of attack, should my ancient laptop decide, one of these days, not to start again... Yeah... FUN!

It's okay. I've always said (in a somewhat resigned tone of voice) that poverty is the mother of invention. The reason that I started making drawings and paintings on cardboard in the first place was because I couldn't afford stretched canvas. (Now, it's become my aesthetic!) If my computer does decide to die on me, I have most of the harddrive backed-up on an external, and I can use my phone for posting to Objkt and Hive and Twitter and all that jive. (The wisdom of water... There's always a path to flow around obstacles...)

Keep that head up! There's always another day!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



8 Jan. 2023


"Wraith (Bleached)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

wraith (bleached).png

[Liner pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] Barely in phase with this reality, I've seen the WRAITH on several occasions. It stole a packet of Fritos from me, once. I forgave it and frequently leave an extra packet on my coffee table when I go to bed, now. Keep the corner of your eye out for hungry wraiths. They might just need a snack! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



[Posted to typed.art]:

DAY 22

I am posting this from my phone. (Where are my reading glasses? Got 'um!) If you are seeing this from anywhere but my phone, the experiment worked...


Do you think.... Do you think this idea ("Forcing myself to write, every day") is useful? Is it funny? Does it stalk you in your dreams???

We should meet on the astral plane! Do you hang at the DQ in Dimension X where all those skeleton skateboarders do their tricks on that cement embankment? (Skeletons with mohawks and Cramps t-shirts!!!)

Yes... The wheels are cracked, but they still appear to be spinning! Yoko is a hero. Give her your smiles!!!


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)"



"Bug Over Divergence" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

bug over divergence.png

[Digital / slash / pixel drawing over moshed photograph (that I took) with digital embellishments and color.] The BUGS have escaped the computer and are crawling all over the real world! This photograph was taken just before my laptop was struck by lightning and the creatures transmuted into PHYSICAL digital bugs! AAAAAAAH!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)



That's it for tonight... Today?? I don't know when you're reading this... Wait. I don't recognize you! WHO ARE YOU??? What are you doing in my room!!!????


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Huh. You're just over on the other side of Washington State. Were you much closer, I'd consider pulling myself together and seeing if I could revive one of my project laptops for you by installing Linux.


Ha! Thanks! I'll probably just order a new cord when I'm rich again!!!


There's a possibility the jack on the computer itself is kaput, too. Someone with more skill than mine (zero) when it comes to soldering might be able to pop open the case, re-flow the connections, and check internal plugs.
