Make a Pi (with MATH!) by Richard F. Yates (hOLY fOOL)

Not really... There ain't no MATH in this post. (Hope I didn't lose TOO MANY PEEPS with that SCARE-WORD!) Let's explore some artz!


29 May 2023


"Sentinel" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


[Felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] Thousands of years old, possibly hundreds of thousands, the Sentinel watches from under the water for the horrors to return from the stars. It will be ready... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Collage Collab (Wipers)" by Felicity Echo Hanson & Richard F. Yates

collage collab.png

[Photography, felt pen, paper collage, glitter glue, and digital drawing/writing with digital embellishments and color freaking.] Felicity made the collage on lined paper element of this piece, and I photographed it, then decided to keep the extra bits at the bottom and tweak them out a bit, for "visual interest..." I like it... Plus, I like the band, The Wipers, so that's cool, too! ---Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror) & Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Aggressive Conversation" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)

aggressive conversation.png

[Oil pastel, felt pen, ballpoint pen, and sticker collage on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] This image appears to be a rather spiky discussion between two odd entities (while a happy little green guy watches on... Perhaps CAUSED the disagreement, although I have no solid evidence to PROVE this...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)


"Walk (Enchanted Forest)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

walk (enchanted forest).jpg

[Photograph is an OUTSIDE place taken with my phone.] Taken on 27 May 2023 at Enchanted Forest in Turner, Oregon, USA. (Just south of Salem, Oregon.) It's a lovely path... Lovely... No monsters, AT ALL! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Fru-fru-fru-frustration" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


[Digital drawing created in a no-longer-supported, free app on my phone.] I had to do some soul searching, recently (which is difficult for a non-believer in such things), and I'm hoping that I've come out on the other side! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Implied Expression" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

implied expression.png

[Sticker collage and digital drawing on paper with digital embellishments.] Can you tell what she's thinking? ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Perplexed Perspective" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

perplexed perspective.jpg

[Crayon and felt pen on construction paper with digital embellishments and color tweaking.] This poor guy... Maybe I'll tell you the story, someday... Maybe... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


30 May 2023


Here come the WORDZ!!!

[Posted to]:


Formal explorations of a persons mental-state / slash / thought-pattern-progression are impractical without raw data for analysis. Luckily, my fingers DO produce such data on a regular basis. When engaged in the act(ion) of FREEWRITING, I attempt to form a direct neural link between my writing utensile (usually a pen) and the voice (which is not a voice) in my head. (I swear, I ain't hearing voices... Not very many anyway, and I think hearing just a FEW voices in your head is pretty "NORMAL.") .... In the spirit of PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLORATION, I present a selection of recent inscriptions from my PAPER BRAIN (aka: my journal) for your perusal... [Is my invisibility potion wearing off??? I need another swig...]


22? 23??? May 2023

Karl is a mega-therium, and I don't even know what a mega-therium is... But that's definitely him. [Ed. note: Karl is one of our big, orange cats.]

Looks like today might be sunny outside...

How many weasels in your soup??

Wealth disparity... Language is a tool but also a trap. A map that can be mistaken for the territory...

Fingers on the buttons that they don't even know are there... Ghost song...

Frogs (a terrible movie...) [Ed. note: But a movie that I love.] Cluck...

I think CLUCK could be a great horror story, maybe for a streaming service. Absurdist horror comedy about evil chickens. (I'll think about it.)

What do I want to accomplish???

How many pieces do you wish??

Is "HORRIFIED" a real game? What? Where? When? Why? How??

Oh! Ee... Heap of nothing... Sparkle. Babies are gorss. Sprinkle chooch. Hot shot whizzler hoopy boop...

HECK! Only the lonely can play... How to stay awake... These are the people in the neighborhood... Silent running... Don't get THE BED BUGS!!!

Legend link. Legacy of lost media... (FADE.) Pet food. Ghost of a chocolate milkshake... Eyes...

HEX HEX HEX!!! (Intellectual property.)

Fizzy. Found artwork... Flesh for Fantasy. Stand by your clam. Flintstones! Eat the Flintstones. Slime... Gross. Bunch of... Why am I doing this? WAR OF THE WORDZ...

I don't know what time it is, but Mariah DID tell me the date: 23 May '23 (I would think that would be a GOOD date for me...)

Time crawls --> then LEAPS. It is not a consistent flow... Followed around by an evil toy. Typical... Mariah says she's making b.b.q. chicken pizza for dinner! Neat! I will eat that food.

If I can survive the rest of the today, then tomorrow and Thursday, I'll be FREE (mostly) for about a week!!!

I started reading a book last night on programming in the "C" language. I only read a chapter, but it's pretty good. [Ed: I have continued to read at least one chapter each night from this text since starting it.] The author does a good job of explaining what the terms in the code mean, which is helpful for a beginner... (Technically, I had SOME experience programming in "BASIC" and writing hypertext for web pages, but it's been so long since I did those things that I've forgotten almost everything...) I'm learning, though, so I suppose that's good...

When I'm super rich again, (besides my apocalypse survival kit), I want to get a couple of Raspberry Pi computers: one as a media server, one to practice programming with the grandkid, and one to run a website for all my shenanigans. I would ALSO like to have a node machine so that I can be a Tezos or Hive (or something similar) server-protector-baker-blockchain LORD... (Is mining still a thing??)

So many silly and pointless things that would be fun to do (with an unlimited budget.) I should write out a bunch of lists of STUFF that might be good / useful / fun / potentially profitable to get / build / own / make - plust the approximate costs of each and all of the required equipment / elements to REALIZE each goal.

NOW, I AM BECOME DEATH - the destroyer of spaces... I think Felicity fell asleep watching Markaplier play a Five Nights at Freddy's sequal (sequel??) (Probably "el.") Oh... I guess it was a fan made "tribute" to FNAF...

I spent too long looking at Raspberry Pi "starter kits." I can't afford any of them... Maybe someday I will. Looks like somewhere between $100.00 and $150.00 will get a person up and running (and learning to use "PYTHON" and "C" and all that jazz...

Whose fault was it?? (What IZ it??) [I sneezed...] [And now Karl is trying to climb on me. Not annoying...]

Someday, there will be unlimited free time. (Heaven?)

Felicity is asleep. Hopefully, she stays dry during her nap. "Neat neat neat!" [Ed. note: Song by The Damned.]

MIRA! Mira! Mira!

Lest we forget... (Forget what??) Eaten alive. I'm looking at a news report in which a well known "defendent" has to "appear" in court - but he is "appearing" by VIDEO... What... the... FUCK??? If I were being tried in court, could I appear via video? No.

All together now... Who can save us from Dxxxxx Txxxx, that total asshole? How can WE save the world.

In a flash of weird energy, I snapped, posted a rant against Elon Musk on Twitter, said I was quitting the platform, and then erased it off my phone. Let's see if my ART CAREER tanks if I'm not using Twitter to "advertise." (I can still send "messages" to folks as crypto art, dropped directly into their collections!)


[I'm clipping this psychological expose here, but LOOK (mira! mira! mira!) for the NEXT post in a few minutes, in which I will continue my transcription of my paper notebook and make snarky commets in brackets and parentheses.]

See you there?

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

wonders - part 1.jpg


WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE? - PART 2 (still 30 May 2023)

[More words from PAPER-BRAIN...]


24 MAY 2023

Felicity watched a video about Enchanted Forest yesterday and liked it. Today, she isn't interested.

"Friendship Tokens" I can write a rant about my ethics and then send them to my "friends," "fellow artists," and "collectors."

Need to radically reorganize how I interact online. Cutting out Twitter has destroyed the center of my "social hub."

I might have to reconnect with Discord...even though I don't care much for it... I should look up different micro-blogging platforms... See if anything works in a similar way as Tweeterz WITHOUT the asshole owning it and supporting hateful politics, homophobia, racism, and other ancient ideologies... (I've started from scratch before. I can do it again...)

I'll look into Nostr... I can start a whole new persona... (But I won't...)

Lick-lick... Too many creeps... [Ed. note: Song by Bush Tetras.]

Nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing...

If I can survive the rest of today without stroking out, then somehow make it all the way thru THURSDAY, I will have some time for creative work. SHOULD have time...

To work on then:

[ x ] Find and develop new social media hub.
[ _ ] Now home for Museum of Postcard Art.
[ _ ] Scan postcards (for archive.) [Ed. note: Mariah and I have collected hundreds of postcards over the last couple of years, and we are still receiving new pieces in the mail, on occasion. I'm trying to archive them all and share them online! Hence, the MUSEUM OF POSTCARD ART...]
[ x ] Notice on of x-Tweeterz status. ([ x ] For Hive + others, too...)
Plus connections [ x ]
[ x ] More new art... (Always.)


Frank and Alec are home, so I can escape to me room now! GONE...


[Slight TIME JUMP...]


WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE? - PART 2 (still 30 May 2023)

[More words from PAPER-BRAIN...]


24 MAY 2023

Felicity watched a video about Enchanted Forest yesterday and liked it. Today, she isn't interested.

"Friendship Tokens" I can write a rant about my ethics and then send them to my "friends," "fellow artists," and "collectors."

Need to radically reorganize how I interact online. Cutting out Twitter has destroyed the center of my "social hub."

I might have to reconnect with Discord...even though I don't care much for it... I should look up different micro-blogging platforms... See if anything works in a similar way as Tweeterz WITHOUT the asshole owning it and supporting hateful politics, homophobia, racism, and other ancient ideologies... (I've started from scratch before. I can do it again...)

I'll look into Nostr... I can start a whole new persona... (But I won't...)

Lick-lick... Too many creeps... [Ed. note: Song by Bush Tetras.]

Nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing...

If I can survive the rest of today without stroking out, then somehow make it all the way thru THURSDAY, I will have some time for creative work. SHOULD have time...

To work on then:

[ x ] Find and develop new social media hub.
[ _ ] New home for Museum of Postcard Art.
[ _ ] Scan postcards (for archive.) [Ed. note: Mariah and I have collected hundreds of postcards over the last couple of years, and we still buy interesting pieces and even receive new pieces in the mail, on occasion. I'm trying to archive them all and share them online! Hence, the MUSEUM OF POSTCARD ART...]
[ x ] Notice on of x-Tweeterz status. ([ x ] For Hive + others, too...) Plus connections [ x ]
[ x ] More new art... (Always.)


Frank and Alec are home, so I can escape to me room now! GONE...


[Slight TIME JUMP...]


29 May 2023

To do:

[ _ ] Live [ _ ] Laugh [ _ ] Pass Gas
[ _ ] Scan recently received postal art, and [ _ ] share
[ _ ] Find new home for Museum of Postcard Art, and [ _ ] share
[ _ ] Scan more postcards from the archive (many)
[ _ ] Save for:
[ _ ] Write list of "WANTED ITEMS"

---Should I [ _ ] share my "WANT LIST"? (Maybe on

[ _ ] Finish "Scratch" course (+ do more learnin'...) [Ed. note: I purchased a "Humble Bundle" with a bunch of materials supposedly intended to help a person learn coding. I assumed that I was buying digital texts that I could download and read on my eReader at night, but it turns out that what I purchased was ACTUALLY a number of ONLINE COURSES on how to code, many with VIDEO components. Not what I expected, but the "course" that I've started watching (on programming with SCRATCH) isn't too bad! Not what I was PLANNING to purchase, but might end up being useful!]



---Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Extreme Kit - Aluminum Edition (8 GM RAM) [Ed. note: The laptop that I currently use, which Mariah bought for me approximately 8 years ago, only has 6 GM of RAM!] $189.99 [ _ ]
---Raspberry Pi Official Keyboard & HUB USB (US Layout) $34.85 [ _ ]
---Cobra RX680 Walkie Talkies (2 Pack) & HHRT50 Road Trip CB Radio $189.90 [ _ ]
---Emergency Hand Crank Radio $18.99 [ _ ]
---UV Flashlight $24.99 [ _ ]
---"Survival" kit (still need to research) Cost: ??? [ _ ]

Why in the World...


[Thus ends the notebook transcription...]

So... My mind has bounced a bit, lately. I was actually pretty seriously shaken by the Tweeterz / assholery event, and it usually takes a lot to get me aggitated to the point of action. (I'm a WORLD CLASS AVOIDER!) However, since the 23rd of May, I've been invited to Bluesky social; have posted a bunch of junk; visited one of my favorite THEME PARKS; hung out at the HOUSE during a birthday party for my older daughter, Frankie, and her husband, Alec (their birthdays are only two days apart); and...maybe other stuff... Alec has this week off of work, so I'm not on babysitting duty. We'll see if this increases my productivity... (Is productivity the only measure of value??? Maybe what I need is a day or two where I don't do ANYTHING???) I think I need to light some incense... (What do YOU think?)

As regards my experiments with social media, here are my thoughts on the various platforms:

HIVE: I use for most of my interaction, but also sometimes do a bit on Ecency on my phone. I've been on Hive since it was still a part of the STEEM chain, and I was part of the split that started the new chain. I love the blockchain, have made many "online" friends through this community, and will continue to use it. It is good.

ELLO: Ello has been around a while, and I still like the format, but I usually only post my "compilation" pieces on Ello (which is when I take all the LITTLE THINGS that I've been doing lately, catalog them in a post that I share on HIVE, then reshare the post on Ello, WordPress, and Tumblr...) I think there are probably still a few eyes that see me there... (Will probably continue to use. It's a legacy platform for me.)

TUMBLR: Despite a flurry of interest from a group of Tweeter-folk a year or so ago, Tumblr feels pretty dead to me. I'm lucky if I get a single "like" on any post, and the only people following me seem to be bots... Probably going to NIX it for now. Not really worth the effort.

WORDPRESS: I have SEVERAL blogs on WordPress, and it still seems to be a solid platform. Things that I posted half-a-million years ago are still up and viewable, so that's something!) In addition, I have a few followers on the platform, and I occasionally get new viewers, so it's probably worth keeping the effort up.

NOSTR/IRIS: Never really feels like much is going on there, and I'm not getting much traction. I never bothered to set up a Lightning wallet, either... Probably drop it, for now.

MASTODON: Doesn't really seem like much is going on there, either. I follow a couple folks and one or two might have read something or other that I posted, but the overall vibe is pretty shallow... Probably drop, for now, as well...

BLUESKY: Finally got an invite code (from Bittty the Great!!!), so I've been posting to this is super-elite platform, (my PUNK-self is very dissappointed with me), and it's a lot like TWEETERZ, right down to the little cliques and clubs who talk in codes that I don't really understand; however, there are a number of online friends of mine who have accounts on there already - even if they aren't terribly active, yet... I'll just keep plugging away on the site, for now, and see when (or if?) it ever goes public. Perhaps it will become an active community, eventually. (Sadly, I don't have any invites, yet. Only been on the site for 3 or 4 days. I'll let the WHISPERING VOID know when I have invitation codes available...)

Probably the best way to contact me, at the moment, would be thru my email: [email protected]

Or perhaps sign up for a Hive account. If you use Peakd, they have a blog function, direct messaging of other users, tipping, and connections to a ton of other diversions / games / communities, etc. (If you do jump onto Hive, let me know! I can delegate some resource credits to you, so that you will be able to interact with the blockchain. It's a proof-of-stake situation, so the more Hive you have staked, the more credits you get for DOING THINGS. The good part is that there aren't really "transaction fees," like there are on Ethereum, so you can do whatever you like for next to nothing... If you have resource credits.) I'm trying to explain it: HIVE IS GOOD!

Meanwhile, I still need to buy some POSTAGE so I can send out the 40 or so postcards that have sitting here all ready to go out! (We've been POOR lately, which I don't mind, too much. Honestly, as long as we have enough to eat and a place to sleep and a scrap of paper and something to draw with, I'm cool!) Overall, though, I think I've come thru the recent psychological crisis pretty okay. I'm still making stuff, still having fun, and the experiments are still delivering interesting results! WE KEEP GOING!


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

wonders - part 2.jpg


Back to 30 MAY 2023... (And, hopefully, no more time jumps...)


"Pluck It" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

pluck it.png

[Ballpoint pen, gel pen, and felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color.] I'm boiling in my head a horror tale involving chickens. It will TERRIFY everyone (if I ever write it...) ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Modern Toilet Bowl" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

modern toilet bowl.jpg

[Photograph of my computer screen run through the miraculous MOSH-machine.] The world is a vampire, according to gished pumpkins. This diagram shows exactly how stacking various sums in a blocked-t-type formation leads to ungranulated un-onion pixelations. We, as an organization, hope that customers will protect their vectors and not allow the t-type overload to bloom within the kernel. Haptic mish-mash is often the result of such demagogy. ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


"Go Skull Go" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

go skull go.png

[Felt pen, paint pen, and ultra fine point Sharpie on paper with digital embellishments and color.] A skull that set out to become a rocket. In the end, it was completely successful! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Hopefully, there was SOMETHING in this mess that made you laugh... (Hopefully...)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
