
Empathy is the ability of a person to put themselves in the place of another and better understand their actions, behaviors and thoughts. ...
(Spanish dictionary)

Empathy is needed everywhere and exerts great power when it is developed effectively and voluntarily.


In the world, people need to develop this value so that they are able to put themselves in the other's place. In this way we demonstrate the quality of a person because it is not easy at this time to see people access this virtue; I believe that empathy is a state of formation that infers in the personal development of the individual that it is learned and that it obviously develops in the person by accessing emotionally by siding with the person who needs it at the right time

In this order of ideas, empathy becomes a feeling skill in a need to understand and share the feelings and experiences of other people. It is putting ourselves in the place of a suffering person who is going through extreme physical and emotional tribulations " It is imagining yourself in another's skin. Feeling what others feel, seeing ourselves and the world from their point of view. It allows us to love more deeply."


All people need attention and understanding. However, when we approach people we are not friendly nor are we treated as we expect; simply because we do not treat or give the necessary respect to the people who are in our environment and at this time there are many people with emotional problems who are affected and need understanding. In this way, when we give importance or interest in observing to help the people around us, we are developing empathy.

Socially and psychologically, when talking about empathy, reference is made to a cognitive, emotional or affective ability of the individual, in which he is able to put himself in the emotional situation of another. Being empathic is a true privilege!
Empathy is like the key to kindness and compassion that is exercised in a libertarian way that is born in the heart and is exercised in humanity

However, the problem of empathy is when the person does not feel in his heart to understand or put himself in the other's place, since in this way he closes his heart to suffering or helping others.


The best empathy is found in the word of God. Jesus came to teach empathy to others, he came to teach us love, humility, compassion... so that his creation would practice empathy with one another
The Bible advises us the following about empathy

Romans 12:15: 15
"Rejoice with those who rejoice: weep with those who weep."

This verse is a manifestation of motivation for people to feel each other's pain or rejoice when people rejoice

The bible as an exemplary motivating book full of parables describes how Jesus tried to exemplify mercy, compassion and put himself in the other's place through the following parable:

Luke 10:30-37
10:30 Jesus answered him, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell into the hands of some robbers, who stole everything he had and wounded him, leaving him almost dead. A priest was coming down the road, and although he saw him, he went on. Near that place a Levite also passed by, and although he saw him, he continued by. But a Samaritan, who was on his way, approached the man and, seeing him, took pity on him and dressed his wounds with oil and wine, and bandaged them; then he put him on his horse and took him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day, before leaving, he took out two coins, gave them to the owner of the inn, and said: “Take care of him. When I come back, I'll pay you back for whatever you overspent." Of these three, which do you think was the neighbor of whom he fell into the hands of the robbers? » He answered: "The one who had compassion on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Then go and do the same."


Friend and friend, this parable literally describes the true empathy in the human being, it teaches us how a person can put himself in another's place and also describes the opposite of the empathy that is in all those who see their neighbor suffer, hurt. , needy...and they pass by or look at them around them and are not able to approach them and understand their pain, much less try to help them because they assume that it is not their problem.

¡you sow well and you will reap well, but you sow poorly and you will reap poorly! How much empathy is needed in this world! I am convinced that if humanity will exercise this great value, life would be different
