Different Types Of People In The Crypto Community, Which one are you?

The crypto community is filled with a lot of different people with different orientations and different perspective in cryptocurrency. You will be amazed by what you read, even in our community discord we still have lots of people with different mindset, but the only mindset that binds all of us together is that we all collectively believe in Hive and cryptocurrency. I will be talking about the different kinds of people in the crypto community, you can identify your characteristics or tag a friend with one of the characteristics in the comment section.


The Newbie
This is like the birth stage characteristics of every crypto investor, at this stage they are new and have lots of questions. Because of their zeal to learning, a Newbie that asks a lot of questions in the community is probably going to be very successful in the crypto community because they have acquired lots of knowledge, this knowledge sometimes are mistakes other people made that they can learn from. So expect them to always spam the community with questions.

The Always Requesting For Financial Advice
I try to avoid this kind of people when they ask for financial advice, because they don’t want to take responsibilities for their loss. When you give them a financial advice that goes wrong, they will come for your neck. Reminding you that you are the reason for their loss. This is why you find some of them make all their trades from Twitter information. They will always spam the timeline or group chat asking when it’s a good time to enter a trade. They don’t have a mind of their own, they don’t know when to stop or take their losses and profit. They will ask for people’s opinion and always follow people’s trade. I personally don’t like this trait in people, be independent in your financial decision making. It’s good to ask questions but don’t be totally dependent on people for their opinion before you can make a financial trade decision.

The One Guy That Hates NFTs
This guy will always feel he is woke and can’t be deceived, he will always antagonize NFTs and try to prove to you that it’s a scam. Their usual statement when it comes to NFTs are “I just took a screenshot for free”. They will tell you it’s scam and people are using it to launder money. Initially I was among this type of people. I felt NFTs were scams and unnecessary, but I got to the realization that the world is changing, and for you to make it big financially in this world, it’s to change along with the world. So I killed that ego and bought some NFTs.

The One Guy That Loves Passive Income
I used to be guilty in this
, am very young, but I felt, there was no need to work anymore when my money can do the work for me. Life taught me better when I lost my money. So after losing the money, I didn’t have money to work for me, so I decided to work by myself to make the money. Why just be a passive income earner alone when you can be both. That is, be an active and passive income earner. Well Hive gives you the opportunity.

Some passive income earners will always want to rub it on your face that their money is working for them while they rest, and you are suffering for working for money. They believe in accumulating little income periodically than earning a huge amount all at once. For instance, if you tell people in this group to choose between having
a)$1 million right now and earning
b)$50,000 in 24months
they will go with option b because they love the feeling of earning passively.

You can find these people always acting like motivational speakers. They earn more money from teaching and telling people to earn passive income than they actually earn passively.

The Pessimist
This is the type that you need to pay little attention to, this is because more than 10% of the time, they are right. They will always make deductions on how bearish the market will go, they don’t think bullish, they are always making statements to seem smart. They always come off to be the kill joy or vibe killer. Whenever there is a bullish trend of bull run, they will always remind you of the upcoming bubble pop. Always warn you that the market might fall and go to zero anytime soon. I don’t even know what they are doing in crypto if they are pessimistic towards it.

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I tend to divide crypto people into three basic categories - those who are here for the quick buck, those who are here for pragmatic reasons (hedge against inflation, remittances etc.) and the idealists who want to build new and better world.

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