Science in all areas of our lives, the effect of money on our behavior


Hello my dear friends, many times we think that science only gives us knowledge of all those phenomena that develop around us either naturally or artificially, however, science has developed so much that each time is able to provide any kind of knowledge related to the human being.

One of the aspects of study linked to our behavior is the action of money and we know that if we do not control it, it will end up controlling us, for this the field of science has demonstrated through psychology the consequences that money has generated among humanity, money gives us the possibility of obtaining the greatest possible comfort, this has become the main trigger for the transformation of human behavior, it is no secret that money can make us do things that go against our own principles.

Maravillosas ramas de la ciencia como la economía, psicología y sociología investigan constantemente este fenómeno (del dinero) que se encuentra al asecho de la transformación de nuestros elaborados principios de hogar o académicos, estos estudios científicos han demostrados la proporcionalidad psicológica del dinero sobre todo cuando se posee en grandes cantidades, un dato muy interesante no los proporciona científicos de la UNIVERSITAT JAUME I de Castejón (UJI) los cuales determinaron a través de un estudio que una persona se estresa más cuando rechaza algún soborno que al aceptarlo.

This analysis leads us to think that money is addictive because of what we can do with it and we see how many people change their behavior every day due to the addictive effect of money, which is why we should always ask ourselves the following question: If we manage to cover our elementary or basic needs, can generating more money make us happier?

A question that each of us can verify in the development of our lives, since generating more money often leads us to more time to invest and this is inversely proportional to the formula of being able to share moments with our loved ones, which is why we must be very tactful when we know how to increase our monetary aspirations because usually our biggest mistake is greed which blinds us before the possibility of increasing our personal finances.

Many studies conducted by major universities in the world which show negative results in relation to money in our behavior, and beyond that we ourselves are witnesses as many people change their behavior and way of thinking when they begin to generate more money, and hardly do not conform or we are not satisfied with just having money for our subsistence, it is good to always have some solid savings for possible emergencies, but that they do not lead to an addiction and forget the true happiness of contact with the family.

It is a very thin line between the control of our money and the control it exerts on us, let's be aware of it and if we manage to control it, I am absolutely sure that we will be worrying more about our true happiness and that of our loved ones.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.

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