Renewing our life history



Greetings again my dear friends, I hope you are all very well, without realizing at any moment we are renewing our life story, or rather we can say that consciously or unconsciously we are renewing our story every day, and even more, when we feel that life makes us take an unexpected turn or at least in time that we did not think it would happen.

When we are able to socialize or we are empathetic we usually start to gain friendships and from that moment our history begins to expand or change in some things, but it happens, when starting a new job, a new relationship, or the sensitive loss of a loved one, among many other things that each of you know and have happened to you, the truth my dear friends these things happen and thus make us be renewers of our history.

In truth each reality is different and everything will depend on our attitude and way of facing any of the actions described above, for example, in my opinion I think that losing a close and dear one makes us change our life story whether we want to or not, but, we have to continue standing and walking through life, just a few days ago I was in contact with a good friend who has struggled to overcome the loss of her mother Elizabeth and that happened 11 months ago.

Actually my empathy with her is absolute because her mother, who was also a great friend to me, left a day after my father, since that moment we have had to renew our lives to move forward for the people who remain at our side and who value us very much, at that moment I felt losing two special people for me, since she, Mrs. Elizabeth called me son because she had two daughters and she considered me as the son she always wanted to have.



This day I decided to write these words to remember these two very important people for me as my father and Mrs. Elizabeth, and keep in mind as I said to the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth that they have left physically, but they will remain forever in our hearts, and that our life story that maybe we have written with much pain all these days makes us stronger and without fear of anything and with the conviction to continue building the best of life stories for our loved ones who are still by our side.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.
