Philosophizing a bit, do we really know our installed capacity?




Greetings again my dear friends I hope you are all very well, although we know and we could say that we even understand that our life is finite and, however, that does not limit us in our desire to achieve all our cherished dreams, those to which we offer any kind of creativity, but, that become tangible as time goes by, highlighting with it the understanding little by little of our installed capacity, which in spite of our finite material life we know that it is infinite, for something we are an intrinsic and elemental part for the balance of our universe, of that we should never forget.

In reality we get used to see the universe as that vast space that surrounds us and we do not focus that we carry in our mother cells part of it, that should make us think and be sure that we have unlimited capabilities in a physical entity that makes us doubt these infinite capabilities, when we understand that we are not isolated elements of this universe everything changes in our mind to the point of understanding that we have so many capabilities within us that we just have to know how to use it, not against us but in our favor.

Maybe we could be selfish in thinking that it is a waste to have so much capacity and that it is deciphered by the natural wear of our body, but that is how it is everything around us, from the highest celestial bodies end their useful life, at least visually, to have another use in the intangible to what we call in remarkable cycle of life, and not only comparing it with our existence and that of living beings, but with the universe itself, it is just that not all of us have the possibility of being able to observe daily the whole scheme of the universe in full and beyond this, all this is related to us and with everything that in reality are our capabilities, but not being daily or constantly informed we separate such relationship which is indivisible.

Could we change our way of life if we convince ourselves that we possess an infinite installed capacity?

It is there the key, between those who try to believe and those who are sure of what is expressed above, when we doubt what we naturally possess, we become remarkable slaves of our finite and limited body, having a body that we know has its degree of longevity can make us limit each and every one of our intrinsic capacities, But when we understand that they are two conceptions found in the same entity despite being one infinite and the other limited, we begin the important process of adapting and understanding that this is the behavior of everything around us, where human beings are not exempt, remember that we are a necessary part of the splendid ecosystem called the universe.

Life is global even though we live it in a particular way, and so far the vast majority of human beings leave their physical entity without being sure of having known their installed capacity and, this in every way, everything is a balance and that must be the principle with which we must relate daily, and I am sure, that we will try to make the most of our infinite intrinsic capacities in spite of possessing a finite physical entity, if everything around us requires balance logically so does humanity, and that is what marks or identifies us as an element of this universe fulfilling a necessary role as everything else.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.


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