Our intrinsic persistence




Greetings again my dear readers of this prestigious platform, on many occasions our capabilities in all senses are put to the test by the countless situations we have to face in the course of our existence, where we must never forget our intrinsic persistence, that is, those actions that allow us to carry out each of the objectives set by each of us.

I have always thought that we can constantly learn from everything that surrounds us, no matter how complex it may be for us, because as we know, a great number of phenomena develop around us, both intangible and imperceptible to our senses; however, this fact has never stopped us from learning from these natural events.

This complexity of which we have spoken is undoubtedly found within our organism, and with it in our actions, we must always keep this in mind to highlight our intrinsic persistence before things regardless of the obstacles that we face, and this feature is not only characteristic of human beings as it is extrapolated to any living species in this universe.

This reminds me of one of those days when we believe that we cannot continue with a certain activity or task, and when we observe the action of some small living being next to us, we realize that nothing is impossible for us as long as we keep our persistence.

Perhaps all of us have had the pleasure of observing the action of ants and how, thanks to their persistent union, they manage to accomplish great things despite their small size. However, with their enormous capacity for persistence, I think that we also have this persistence, but we must always keep it in mind so as not to let ourselves be discouraged by the presence of any uncomfortable situation in our lives.

Our environment teaches us in any way, either due to our analysis of each phenomenon that occurs, or by the action of any other living being next to us, and there are many examples such as ants, and even members of our own human species are the clearest example of our intrinsic persistence.

Until another opportunity my dear readers.


