Let's get into the rhythm of life



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, if we must be sure of something at every moment of our existence is that everything around us has some manifestation of movement, and it depends on life, that is, mobility in its various manifestations, I remember some classes of acoustic physics where they showed us how the phenomenon of sound is originated through the vibratory motion of the component particles of a particular body or object, and that our body similarly emits sounds when we speak thanks to the vibration of our vocal cords, and therefore, we generate vibratory motion, this to name just one representative example of countless phenomena that require mobility.

As a child my great desire was to learn to ride a bicycle, and for this, we must acquire an adequate balance so that in this way we can follow our course towards a certain goal, in short to ride a bicycle we must take the rhythm of our movements and synchronize it with the bicycle, I think that in the same way it can happen with the development of our life, for example, sometimes we feel out of step at some stage of our life, either to start a new job, to debut as parents or by the simple fact of the many demands of our modern society.

Everything around us will always influence us, and that is why we must be attentive to any learning of our environment however small it may be, usually with the little things we manage to engage our rhythm with any activity that we develop in our day to day, for example, the balance we get or learn to ride a bike we can compare it with the balance we must achieve to harmoniously carry all our activities, including of course that of our coexistence in every sense especially the family.

In many occasions we block ourselves and we believe that it will not be possible to take the rhythm to certain activity that is an important part of our existence to be able to acquire monetary resources, for example, to be an entrepreneur in any commercial activity, the first thing we can think is that we are not made for that (it does not happen to all people) and if everyone had thought the same thing there would be no establishment where we could obtain our different products, I think that everything in life is about taking the rhythm to any activity that we develop and in any area of our lives.

Sometimes it can happen to us that we have taken the rhythm of a certain activity and yet we stumble and even fall, this usually happens to us riding a bike and have many years asiéndolo, but it does not mean that we should stay there, therefore, Our constant task is to get up as many times as necessary and retake the rhythm and thus the balance that will keep us on the road to success, so when we ride a bike think that in the same way we must do with every activity that we intend to do or that we have to do, that is, to acquire an adequate and necessary balance to be successful in everything we propose.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.

Note: The animated gif is of my authorship, its images were made in Power point and the movements were given by means of the PhotoScape application.
