Mi niña emocionada cuando conoció el mar // My girl excited when she met the sea.



Un saludo muy especial amigos, espero esten muy bien! El fin de semana pasado lleve a mi niña a conocer el mar por primera vez, un dia muy especial del que tengo hoy el agrado de mostrarles algunas fotografias. Mi hija tenia una felicidad enorme, una alegria que definitivamente nos contagiaba, no paraba de brincar de un lado a otro de la emocion. Pienso que para todo madre o padre la mayor de la sastifacion es ver un hijo sonreir, para mi fue bastante grato verla tan feliz. Ella muy contenta modelaba para algunas fotos, pero en otras era muy dificil captar su mirada pues su atencion la atrapaba por completo la inmensidad del mar. Espero les guste.

Hasta luego!

Todas las fotografias son de mi autoria capturadas por telefono movil Smooth 6.5.

A very special greeting friends, I hope you are very well! Last weekend I took my girl to see the sea for the first time, a very special day of which I am pleased to show you some photographs today. My daughter was enormously happy, a joy that was definitely contagious to us, she did not stop jumping from one side to the other with emotion. I think that for every mother or father the greatest satisfaction is to see a child smile, for it was quite pleasant for me to see her so happy. She was very happy modeling for some photos, but in others it was very difficult to capture her gaze because her attention was completely caught by the immensity of the sea. I hope you like it.

See you later!

All photographs are my own, captured by Smooth 6.5 mobile phone.

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