Wednesday Walk: Hero's Day for My Mother



Wednesday, November 10, 2021, is a special day for me. On that day, my country commemorates Heroes' Day. Moreover, my younger brother, Firman Setianugraha, is 43 years old, and my grandson, 'Ala Addin Hidayat, also has his third birthday.

I want to go see my grandson, at his house. But, I couldn't go there, because my mother asked to accompany me to the State Pension Savings Bank, where she took her pension salary. My mother is a former teacher in elementary school.

Of course, I chose my mother who wanted to go with me to the bank.

Usually, I take the salary through the ATM machine. However, the ATM card must be replaced. So my mother had to take care of it.

At 8 am my wife and I went from home to the bank using a Gocar.

Alhamdulillah my mother is happy to be accompanied by me and my wife. Likewise, my wife and I are happy to be able to take mom to the bank. The truth is, we won't be able to let mom go alone. My mother is old. At the age of 74 years, her body is weak. Her eyes are blurry. Her hands trembled when she held something. Likewise, when she signed at the bank, her hands were shaking.



I love her very much. Whenever my mother needed help, I always wanted to be a hero to her.

However, for the happiness of her heart, my mother never expected much from me. He is happy with the little things that are useful to him. An example of those little things is that I became a loyal listener when my mother told me about many things from her life experiences. Or, I stroked her back when her asthma flared up. Or, I brought him drinking water.

The little things I did for him made her heart happy.

Seeing her happy, I feel happier. Especially when I saw her praying. Why not, in my mother's prayer my name is mentioned.
My mother wanted me to be a hero, that is, a person who is useful to fellow human beings.




What a sweet post dedicated to your mum
I love her definition of a hero as someone who does good for others
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
