The atmosphere in the village at night


Good evening everyone, how are you friends here, I hope we are healthy and fine, of course those in this nest, I hope today is better than yesterday and today is more successful than the previous days, my best regards. For the friends here who have supported me, I hope we all succeed in the future and achieve what we want and make everything we do easier.

At this meeting, I will again show some pictures of the atmosphere in the village, namely in my area, and yesterday I told you about the atmosphere in the village, but today I am back here to show some pictures of the atmosphere in the village too, but this is a village that is far from where I live, when I went for a walk in the afternoon I saw that the atmosphere in the village at that time was very busy with people visiting the area and I was very interested to see that the view was very busy there and some of them came there on motorbikes. and there were also those who came with their own private cars.

It seems very busy there, especially the sellers of menus for breaking the fast because it happens to be the fasting month, so the sellers on the side of the road are very busy, especially those sellers who sell in the afternoon towards evening and it seems that the buyers there are very busy and they come from various corners to this city, this is one of the villages with the nickname of a small town in the village nowadays because it is very busy here, it is always busy every day, especially in the afternoon.

OK, friends, that's all from me, a little review about the atmosphere in the countryside, precisely in the afternoon before evening. I hope my friends will be entertained. Thank you all for my friends who have supported me here and I thank everyone who has read my post today, that's my post this time and we'll meet again in the next post.
