Rain has returned after a long dry season


Hello everyone, how are you friends today, I hope you are fine, of course today is better than yesterday, always be healthy and successful for all of us who are here, I hope you have a nice day today and today I will see art. I will show some pictures today and it happened to be raining today so I took some pictures around my area.

Today the rain finally fell after a long drought in the area. People are overjoyed by the much-needed rainfall as the prolonged dry season causes dry air. The relief of seeing rain clouds and feeling water droplets on the skin is felt among the people here.

The long drought has taken a toll on people and affected their daily lives in various ways. Agriculture suffered greatly, crops withered due to the hot sun. Water sources are drying up, leaving many people without access to clean water for drinking, washing and cooking. The intense heat makes it difficult for people to carry out their daily activities comfortably. Health problems have also emerged, with cases of heatstroke and dehydration becoming more common.

But now, with the arrival of the rain, there is new hope and enthusiasm in the air. The dry earth eagerly absorbs water, preparing itself for the emergence of new life. Farmers are already planning for the next planting season because they know that the rain will fertilize their crops and help them thrive. Children happily splash in puddles, enjoying the pleasure of raindrops falling from the sky.

Yes, thank you for visiting. That's all, some of the pictures that I have displayed above, I hope friends are entertained and all the writing in my partner, I wrote it in Indonesian, then I used Google Translate to add it to English. and thank you for visiting.
