[EN/PT] League of Legends Worlds 2022 RNG vs CFO



Hello everyone, today I will continue talking about RNG games. I'm not able to follow the games live because I'm busy with college, so I'm leaving to see them later and taking the opportunity to make the post commenting.
In this game that I will be analyzing today, RNG is facing the CFO, champion of PCS.

With this draft we can see that RNG wasn't too scared of the CFO, they took the solo lanes first, a pick de liss in the mid and fiora in the top. They left the last pick to sett sup which in my opinion was an excellent response to trist and amumu, because all sett wants is to be engaged. I found the CFO's answers very weak, they chose kennen to play against fiora and viktor against liss, I particularly don't like kennen very much compared to liss for example, lissandra does everything kennen does and much better.

RNG's win condition for me is the gala with this aphelios and for CFO it would be viktor in mid. The game started very calmly and we had the first fight on the first dragon, where the CFO left with the dragon but the kills were 4a1 for RNG, with two kills for the gala.
From then on, RNG was controlling the game better, catching the dragon and ming found an excellent engage in the mid that was again 4a1 in kills for RNG.

From that moment on Gala and Xiaohu became very strong and won all the fights until the end of the game.
I would like to highlight the excellent game that ming made with this sett, always buying a lot of time protecting the gala and when he needed to, he made great initiations. GG RNG 2W/0L


Olá a todos, hoje continuarei falando sobre os jogos da RNG. Não estou conseguindo acompanhar os jogos ao vivo devido a faculdade, então estou deixando para vê-los depois e aproveitando pra fazer o post comentando. Nesse jogo que estarei analisando hoje a RNG está enfrentando a CFO, campeã da PCS.

Com esse draft podemos ver que a RNG n]ao estava com muito medo da CFO, pegou as solo lanes primeiro, um pick de liss no mid e fiora no top. Deixaram o last pick pra sett sup o que ao meu ver foi uma excelente resposta a trist e amumu, pois tudo que o sett quer é levar engage. Achei as respostas da CFO muito fracas, escolheram kennen pra jogar contra a fiora e viktor contra a liss, eu particulamente não gosto muito de kennen comparando com a liss por exemplo, a lissandra faz tudo que o kennen e muito melhor.

A condição de vitória da RNG pra mim é o gala com esse aphelios e da CFO seria o viktor no mid. O jogo começou bem calmo e tivemos a primeira luta no primeiro dragão, onde a CFO saiu com o dragão mas os abates ficaram 4a1 pra RNG, com duas kills pro gala.
A partir disso a RNG foi controlando melhor o jogo pegando dragão e o ming achou um excelente engage no mid que novamente ficou 4a1 em abates pra RNG.

A partir desse momento Gala e Xiaohu ficaram muito fortes e ganharam todas as lutas até o fim do game.
Gostaria de ressaltar a excelente partida que o ming fez com esse sett, sempre comprando muito tempo protegendo o gala e quando precisava fazia ótimas iniciações. E foi isso GG RNG 2W/0L


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RNG plays like a beast. They are one of my favorites. Good review btw.


Thanks bro, RNG is doing great, I hope they can go far in this worlds.
