Nature abstract sculpting art from sand

Today I have some artful things to show all of you. I was very excited when I saw it but at the same time quite alarmed.

After some time without going to my favourite place, I decided this is enough time, I needed to go there again. So I went in direction of the sea, guided by the smell of the seashore.

When I arrived I noticed a different landscape than the last time I was here before. Tides changed so the dunes. So, I started my walk on the wet sand accompanied by the sound of the waves.

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This is a dune, victim of the corrosion results that affect every beach in the spring/winter sea agitation. This happens because the sea level is getting higher every year. This is sad because the beaches are getting smaller and its dunes disappearing.

That effect of erosion also led to this marvellous effect on the dune. Sliding sand making paths like there were ants all over the dune. Making these sculptures as you see.

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You see where the water reached, and now the dune is collapsing.
Every angle is different seems like the grand canyon or some minified desert landscape.
Sometimes I see faces, animals and some skeletons.

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Isn't this photo above like Mount Rushmore? Seems like the faces were worn out a bit, but apart from that it's an exact match, isn't it?

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We need to better take care of the planet. Believe in climate change or not doesn't matter, we need to stop this.
I believe we all together can make this better 🙂


I hope it made your day a little better.
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Love, @rafaeleff15

