ADS and No Scope Firing (Hip Fire) | The Usabilities and more..

Shooting games are surely one of the most favourite categories of gaming among players and there are a lot of variety that you can enjoy in the games that people have having to choose from. The returns of different things that you can try in everything but one of the things that are the basic fundamentals take do remain the same throughout each and every game that is simply shooting but the way of shooting.

ADS vs HIP Fire.jpg

Basically there are two types of shooting which you can name as ads as plus no scope shooting. Both of them are very handy in their respective scenarios and you have to be deciding in a very less time when to use what. Although both serve I have very drastic difference in the uses of theirs but at the same time in their respective scenarios both of them are very useful if used properly.


In simple terms when you need to be very much precise and you are shooting over a bit of distance and you can kind of just sacrifice on some of the movement that you have to be making in order to be dodging the bullet that your enemiesparing at you you can surely go for the areas option which will give you most stability as well as the bullets will definitely be much more accurate.

At the same time when you are having a very close battle with your enemy you can go for the nose fight or you can also say it like a hip fire when you are just firing your gun without opening the scope of the Red Dot.

Using both of them is a very basic tag take but at the same time pretty important to understand the difference between the two too. Because if you have been playing this shooter games for a while and you do kind of mismatch when to kind of use hip fire you mistakenly use the radius version you know what are the consequences in most of the battles so that is really one of the biggest reasons why you should be knowing what does what.


Definitely both of themselves a very different purpose and used in different conditions of circumstances but if everything is put aside and just simply if I ask you about what will you be choosing if you are given an option to just use one of those shooting mode and any situation you are facing then what will be your first pick?


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First Person Shooter games go from a wide range of styles from 'serious shooters' to 'whacky gun fights', two wildly different settings and the way the developers shape the game around the aiming system will reflect that. Serious shooters will likely try and keep the gunplay semi realistic and feature 'Aim Down Sight' meanwhile 'whacky gun fights' will enact a more 'Run'n'Gun' approach. ADS is nigh impossible with everybody bouncing off the walls and 'Hip Fire' will prevail.

Though, it is interesting to see how accurate 'Hip Firing' is when there is an 'Aim Down Sight' mechanic in the game. Shooters with a focus on ADS will generally make 'Hip Fire' seem like a waste of time and ammo, the shots fly wildly across the screen not even grazing near the target that is inside the crosshair.

Whereas other games that feature only 'Hip Fire' will have every shot staying within the borders of the crosshair to allow the player to hit their targets without worrying about how wide or small the crosshair gets. While it's tough to figure out the nuances from FPS to FPS, there are a few games that have tweaked both 'ADS' and 'Hip Fire' to feel just right. But often I am just ready to play the game and will pick up an LMG and start blasting, swapping from ADS to hip fire laughing maniacally as the spray of lead covers the area.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the two aiming methods! It was fun to read.


Indeed when devs are able to keep a nice mix between the two it is a great combination to enjoy as in numerous games like the Far Cry series, the hip fire is absolute trash not a single bullet connects as per the crosshair until you use ADS or single fire.

Thanks a lot for stopping by mate
