Morning routine

Good morning dear readers.


How are we all this fine morning? What is everyone up to today? What have you already done?

I am right in the middle of my morning routine. I got up, opened up a couple of windows to air out the place, had my morning mint tea, send hubby off to work, closed all the windows back up again, and turned on the heating and dyson to warm up the place.

The dyson is a hot and cool air purifier and I always use it for 15 minutes at the beginning of the morning to help our heating to quickly warm up our living room. As a bonus, it helps clear the air of pollutants which always seem to follow when I open the windows.

Now, I'm on the pc and my first action is to write a blog. Breakfast, followed by a multivitamin, will come after, once I've been awake for a while longer.

Sunrise flowers Playfulfoodie

It's nice to have a morning routine, isn't it? You don't have to think about it. You don't have to make any decisions yet. You just go through the motions. Heck, I even have one specific kind of tea for my mornings. I switch it up later in the day, but morning is always mint. Green tea, Intense Mint.

Hubby laughs at my routines sometimes. It can be the smallest things. The way I always clean my teeth the same way (doesn't everybody?), or the way I always hop into bed, throw the covers over me and then sit back up again to stuff my pyjama trousers into my socks for extra warm feet.

With an overworked brain and high stress levels, it's great to have routines. The less small decisions I have to make, the better it is for my brain. Maybe I should create some more!

What are your routines?

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P.S.: The pictures in this post are mine and not to be used anywhere else.


Hello @playfulfoodie! How great that you have a morning routine filled with self-care and peace. I'm still working on building a morning routine that feels good for me because things have been changing for me at a pretty hectic rate. Hopefully, I'll have one soon enough! Today, for example, I woke up at 3 a.m. to write. Way too early, I know, but it's at those hours that my mind finds silence enough to let the words flow effortlessly. In the near future, I'd like to be able to shift that to another hour that doesn't mess with my sleep, while remaining to be productive in my blog haha


3 a.m.! And I thought 6 a.m. was early 😅
I understand though. I do love those first few hours of the day when there's still some silence and things still feel peaceful. During week days, hubby will be off to work and during the weekend, he'll still be sleeping, so I can hear myself think and not get interrupted :-)

Good luck on moving your hours a little! That can be pretty hard to accomplish. I had a hard time getting used to winter time, because I was so tired and went to bed too early, making me wake up too early aswell. So ehm... the only advice I can give there is: Go to bed late and super tired and hope you'll sleep in more! If there's really any need to change your hours at all.
