Why is it so important to visualize the economic goals we have?


Analyzing a bit today about the nature of goals at a general level, I also began to reflect on what my goals are on a personal level, and specifically, about the importance of maintaining defined economic goals.

My personal experience

And although a priori it may seem that I am talking about visualizing to manifest from the perspective of a self-help book, that is not what I am referring to here, but in a much more pragmatic sense in every way.


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You see, one of my goals in life has always been to be rich, and I truly recognize that I haven't always made the best moves and plays to get money, and maybe that's the reason why I haven't gotten rich yet.

However, today I consider that I am better oriented towards my wealth goals, and that is because I am properly focusing on what I want and the dimension in which I want it.

And this, after all, is what we must do if we want to achieve economic wealth; it sound so simple, but it's logical and complex as true and necessary.

Visualizing goals

The importance of visualizing goals stems from the fact that pragmatically speaking, nothing worth achieving can be achieved without prior projection. To exemplify it, let's put it like this; Have any of you ever seen a building built without a blueprint? No, right? Since that would be impossible.


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Well, something like that happens with our goals; Therefore, if we do not plan things well, and what we want, in the size and dimension that we want it to have, we will not achieve them. I like to think that I want financial wealth, but I focus on concrete numbers; since I can't just say "I want economic wealth" and that's it! The point is that I must define the amount of money I want to earn right now, and that is when the process begins where I outline the strategy to effectively earn that amount of money.

If I say, "I want to win 10 thousand dollars" the goal is already defined; and although I am fully clear that having 10 thousand dollars does not mean being rich, it is a start, and he mentioned it to give a simple example. The fact is that once I have defined that I want to have 10 thousand dollars, then I start looking for the strategies for that purpose; which may be trade, investments, etc.

And if I don't have enough money to invest, then I start to consider different options, which range from asking for loans (although you have to be very careful with this); or look for a conventional job to build the capital base I need.

But BEWARE, let's not get confused

The fact that we have defined economic goals does not mean that we cannot make mistakes, and that success is guaranteed. In other words, this does not absolutely guarantee the achievement of the goals.

But let's see it like this; a building that arises from plans will have a greater chance of success than one that starts without plans; because lack of plan is the main impediment to your success. This is how the achievement of our economic goals must be seen in such a way as if we were building a building; but in this case, is about the building of our financial freedom.

Visualizing our economic goals will allow us to verify our achieved objectives, with those that we have not yet achieved, and will make us more aware of the process, and will make us understand more where we are on the road to success, respectively.

What do you think about the topic discussed? Please comment.


Gif created by @piensocrates

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Visualization is key! You have to have a direction to run in to reach your goals! Everyone has to prioritize differently to get their results.

For me, it’s more time. I just want more time to do what I want in life. Takes hard work and money ti get there, but you have to find ways to earn where your time is valued. That’s why I don’t work for anyone else!


I completely agree with what you just said here. And by the way, it's basically the same reason why I don't work for anyone else but myself. Let me explain, my goals and the understanding of a series of realities and factors led me to become an entrepreneur and that is why today I am economicly independent, and all of this thanks to I highly value my time, my money, my effort and my abilities and I have defined goals.

Well, thanks for commenting and supporting my post. Greetings.

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