Diamond III Daily Rewards Can Suck Too :D

Last season I finished Diamond III but barely on the last day and I stopped playing. I didn't want to de-rank back to Gold I at the last second. 😅

This season I managed to get to Diamond III a few days early. I didn't want to just sit there for 3-4 days this time. So I took my chances. It went rather well. At one point I even hit 3108 rating! That is actually Diamond II if I had the collection power. Which I don't... and that'd be the highest rating I get anyway. I fell and climbed repeatedly for the next few days. Completing a few daily quests. Getting a whopping 10 chests each time!

I recorded the first one and put it on 3Speak. Check it out here if interested. Best reward was a gold foil Gargoya Lion.

I didn't record the others and just took screenshots. So here's what I pulled!


Look at all those worthless potions! Even Diamond III rewards can suck. 🤣


Little better on this one. Uraeus is a must have card IMO. So good once it gets poison. Pelacor Bandit and Conjurer are also good cards. I'll probably be giving them away soon, so keep an eye out for my giveaways!

I'll be posting my end of season rewards soon as well. Hopefully I get some good stuff! Been Diamond III for 2 seasons now... think it's been months since I actually pulled a legendary reward card. My luck sucks. 😫

Keep grinding everyone!


My season end rewards came..and went. One rare a bunch of commons and a whole pile of potions. Just the luck of the draw sometimes. Keep on plugging away at it though :)
