Noha, esta muy delgada. / Noha, she is very thin.

Hola amigos de esta comunidad de Hive Pets, es un honor para mí pasar por esta excelente comunidad y dejar las historia de la bella mascota Noha.


Está perrita llamada Noha es la mascota de una sobrina, ellos viven en el Tigre, está perrita tiene 8 meses, es de raza Beagle, la cual yo la veo muy delgada.


Noha, por la raza a la cuál pertenece es muy sociable, cariñosa y juguetona, estábamos todos reunidos en los días santos y mi sobrina se trajo a Noha, porque la persona a quíen siempre se la dejan tenía que viajar.

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Noha, como ya les mencioné, la veo muy delgada solo come perrarina, sus dueños no le quieren dar de comer otra cosa, como hígado de pollo y menudencias, ellos dicen que la llevan siempre al veterinario y este dice que está muy bien, Pero que no le de otro comida que no sea perrarina, bueno como dicen cada quien cree lo que le puede dar a sus mascotas, yo converse con mi sobrina y sus padres y me dicen que lo siente mucho, Pero la perrita comerá solo lo que diga el veterinario, cuestión que no le critico, solo quería darle a entender que la mascota la veo muy delgada, es más se molestaron por mi observación y comentario.



Dije, no les digo mas nada porque por lo visto no se nada de alimentación de animales, yo tengo un perro y lo he llevado a veterinario y me dicen que le de comida para perros a parte de la perrarina, pero como nadie puede mandar en cada ajena mejor no me vuelvo a meter en eso.

Gracias por la visita y apoyo.

Las fueron tomada desde mi celular infinix smart 7.

Utilice traductor Google.

Hello friends of this Hive Pets community, it is an honor for me to pass through this excellent community and leave the stories of the beautiful pet Noha.


This dog called Noha is a niece's pet, they live in El Tigre, this dog is 8 months old, she is a Beagle breed, which I see as very thin.


Noha, because of the race to which she belongs, she is very sociable, affectionate and playful, we were all gathered on holy days and my niece brought Noha, because the person to whom she always Dejan had to travel.

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Noha, as I already mentioned, I see her very thin, she only eats dogs, her owners don't want to feed her anything else, like chicken liver and giblets, they say that they always take her to the veterinarian and he says that it is very good, but do not give him any other food that is not dog food, well as they say, everyone believes what they can give to their pets, I talked to my niece and her parents and they told me that they are sorry a lot, but the dog will only eat what the vet says, an issue that I do not criticize, I just wanted to make you understand that I see the pet as very thin, in fact they were bothered by my observation and comment.



I said, I won't tell you anything else because apparently I don't know anything about animal feeding, I have a dog and I have taken him to the vet and they tell me to give him dog food separately of the bitch, but since no one can rule over every other person, I better not get involved in that again.

Thank you for visiting and supporting.

They were taken from my infinix smart 7 cell phone.

Use Google Translate.


Me parece que Noha es muy linda, y bueno si ellos creen que es mejor no darle más nada de comer no se puede hacer nada, más aun si eso les ha indicado el veterinario, en mi caso con nuestro perrito, el no puede comer peerarina y yo le hago su comida casera.
Si Noha tiene su veterinario y el dice que esta bien entonces creo que no hay que preocuparse, esa es mi humilde opinion.
Saludos 😊


As someone that has worked with animals for near a decade I can tell you with certainty that Noha is actually in very good shape. Most dog owners think that their dogs are too thin but really, a "thin" looking dog is normally in much better shape than a fat one.

I would say that Noha's body shape is perfect from a medical point of view and you shouldn't be worried at all. You are doing it right!


Hello friends, thank you very much for your valuable comment.
