A Wlaky se le caen los dientes / Wlaky's teeth are falling out

Amigos de Hive Pets, un cordial saludo, para esta hermosa Comunidad de estos seres hermoso que llegan a nuestra vida.


Mi vecina de planta baja, es muy amiga de casa, ella tiene una linda mascota llamada Wlaky, es un perrito de raza, poodle, muy lindo, alegre, cariñoso, cuando está cerca de mí, se pone muy contento y me brinca.


Está preciosura tiene 9 años, tiene tiempo con mi vecina, ella lo adoptó cuando apenas tenía 3 meses de nacido.


En estos días empezó a votar sangre por la boca, cuando se dan cuenta, Wlaky tenía un diente flojo y la vecina como pudo se lo saco.


A la semana siguiente, otra vez sangre, otro diente flojo y lo llevaron al veterinario, este sugirio, extraerle los dientes, pero hay que dormirlo completo.


Hoy voto otro diente, ya ha perdido 3 dientes. Mi vecina hablo con sus hijos y estos no quieren dormir a Wlaky, ya él está viejito, claro no se ve tan viejo como otros perritos.


Pero, con el caso que se le está cayendo los dientes, hay que dormir para revisar, tomar placa y evaluar, todos estamos preocupados por el bello Wlaky.

La hija de mi vecina, ha llorado mucho por su mascota y piensa que si la duerme no va a despertar, solo es una anestesia.


Realmente, no sé cómo se evalúan estos casos, de estos lindos peludos.

Esperemos que mis vecinos tomen una buena decisión y Wlaky no se le sigan cayendo sus dientes, porque algunas veces aparece con la boca llena de sangre.

La veterinaria, dice que la única forma de evaluar es durmiendo o sedando para poder evaluar bien, porque en realidad no se deja revisar la boca, es muy necio, a pesar de la edad que tiene.

Yo, conocí una perrita, que cuando llegó a cierta edad perdió la vista, ahora Wlaky pierde su dentadura.

Hay que cuidar muy bien estás belleza de ángeles que llegan a nuestra vida a darnos mucho cariño y amor.

Gracias por leer y apoyar.

Las fotos fueron tomada por mi celular Redmi 9A.

Utilice Traductor DeelP.


of Hive Pets, a cordial greeting, for this beautiful community of these beautiful beings that come into our lives.


downstairs neighbor is a very good friend of mine, she has a cute pet named Wlaky, he is a poodle, very cute, cheerful and affectionate, when he is near me, he is very happy and jumps me.


He is 9 years old, he has been with my neighbor for a long time, she adopted him when he was only 3 months old.


days he started to vomit blood from his mouth, when they realized Wlaky had a loose tooth and the neighbor took it out as she could.

following week, again blood, another loose tooth and they took him to the vet, who suggested to extract his teeth, but he has to be put to sleep completely.


he has already lost another tooth, he has already lost 3 teeth. My neighbor talked to her children and they don't want to put Wlaky to sleep, he is already old, of course he doesn't look as old as other dogs.


, with the case that his teeth are falling out, we have to put him to sleep to check, take plaque and evaluate, we are all worried about the beautiful Wlaky.

neighbor's daughter has cried a lot for her pet and thinks that if she puts her to sleep she won't wake up, it's just anesthesia.

really don't know how these cases are evaluated, of these cute furries.
hope my neighbors make a good decision and Wlaky doesn't keep losing his teeth, because sometimes he shows up with a mouth full of blood.

vet says that the only way to evaluate is to put him to sleep or sedate him to be able to evaluate well, because he doesn't really let her check his mouth, he is very stubborn, in spite of his age.

knew a dog, that when she reached a certain age she lost her sight, now Wlaky loses his teeth.


have to take good care of these beautiful angels that come into our lives to give us a lot of love and affection.

Thank you for reading and supporting.

The photos were taken by my Redmi 9A cell phone.

Use DeelP Translator.


bello, Dios lo cuide!


Hola, si Dios lo cuide, mis vecinos están esperando para ver como pasa estos días.


It is unfortunate what is happening to Wlaky. I hope that soon the family can find a solution for him so he can spend his old age in peace.


Hello, my neighbors are waiting to see how it behaves these days, otherwise we have to sleep and evaluate. Thank you.


It is always sad when pets reach a certain age, as it is inevitable to complete the cycle of life. Sometimes you get too attached to your pets, but you try to take care of them as best you can. I hope they can take care of wlaky, give him his treatment and that he will wake up and be able to

Siempre es triste cuando las mascotas llegan a cierta edad, pues es inevitable completar el ciclo de la vida. Uno a veces se encariña demasiado con las mascotas, pero uno trata de cuidarlos lo mejor que puede. Espero puedan atender a wlaky, hacerle su tratamiento y que despierte y pueda estar con ustedes por un buen tiempo...


Hello, it is hard, what is happening to Wlaky, today I saw him and he is playing normally with the other dogs, but we have to pay attention to him and his diet.
