A Supernatural Connection and Peace with the Universe


You can’t have a physical transformation until you have a spiritual transformation
- Cory Booker

We sat down under a palm tree taking in the cool breeze as we listened to the birds chirping while drinking palm wine. Just like every other evening spent in the village, this moment drew us closer to the beauties of mother nature and farther from the noisome pestilence of life that needed to be silenced.

As we sat there taking in the moment, Kechi shared that she was on a journey in search of inner peace.

The previous year was a redefining moment for her as she had a close shave with death. Ever since she has been really intentional about her life.

As she spoke about the lifestyle changes she has made since her life-threatening encounter, we slowly delved into the topic of true spirituality. I will be sharing excerpts from our discussion in light of the question on spirituality.
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Understanding Spirituality
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My understanding of spirituality simply connotes finding peace within and having a supernatural connection through my values, relationships, and life purpose. Spirituality is a way of life. Put differently, it is my lifestyle. It is seen in my perception of things, my thoughts, my actions or deeds, my utterances, my daily habits, and the expression of my physical self.

I always say I am a spiritual being. I believe there is a greater entity than my physical self that transcends human comprehension, scientific theories, and logical explanations. I believe the physical is controlled by the spiritual. I believe we plant seeds through our actions, thoughts, words, etc into the universe– our fertile ground where growth occurs and returns back to us at maturity. Hence, I am very intentional about what I put into the universe.

Spirituality does not equate to religion. However, parts of spirituality may constitute some form of religion-centered belief in a greater power.
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Spirituality As My Values
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My values are my principles and standard of actions which I consider of great significance and worth. I value love, self-awareness, authenticity, kindness, loyalty, mutual respect, freedom, integrity, and the list goes on. For instance, I value love – love for my family, friends, and humanity. My lifestyle reflects this value of love in the way I treat people, in my speeches, in my actions and inactions towards others. We don’t have to share a similar race, ethnicity, gender, age group, or even religious belief. As long as you are human, you are worthy of love and I express it freely to all and sundry.

My values serve as a guideline for my life. I cannot afford to live life carelessly or unintentionally as I believe there is a greater meaning to my existence daily. My values keep me grounded, content, and at true peace with myself. Hence, my spirituality is a connection to my values which give my life a deeper meaning thereby motivating and inspiring me to attain my optimum physical being.
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Spirituality As My Relationships
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I am one of few friends and many acquaintances. I believe some relationships serve a particular purpose at a given moment or long period of time in our lives. As we evolve as humans, likewise do our relationships. Only a few stand the test of time. Twenty friends truly don’t play for twenty years.

I don’t believe relationships just happen by chance. For every new relationship, there is an exhilarating path to the unknown which presents a new opportunity to explore, grow, learn, evolve, and transform or be transformed when openness takes place.

...Just think about it...

We connect on a deeper level with some people more than others. We also meet people and feel like we have known them for ages. Sometimes we even call these people our soul-sisters or brothers – Why do we think this is the case? Clearly, our spirituality is in sync with the other person and thus we can reach for greater depths in such relationships. This connection definitely transcends our physical being. Hence, my spirituality is a connection to my relationships – the kind of people I allow into my mental, physical, emotional, and social space, and the honesty or true nature of these relationships.
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Spirituality As My Life Purpose
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What is a life without purpose? There is a reason why I wake up every morning against all odds, stay hopeful and continue to forge ahead. There is a motivation that guides my decisions, shapes my aims and goals, impacts my attitude, curbs my behavior, and ultimately gives meaning to my life. This is what I call purpose. Different people draw their purpose from their work, family, service to others, etc.

My purpose is drawn from my service to others. I live every day of my life, making it a goal to make at least one person smile – that is 365 people yearly. It is not that much but it is something I am intentional about. It could be as little as being patient for pedestrians to cross the road, giving alms to those in need around me, offering and giving her to others through my talents and skills, and so on. My life is worth living every day because I live in purpose and this connects me with my spirituality.

In closing, I will end with a powerful quote which goes...

“You and your purpose in life are the same thing. Your purpose is to be you”
- George Alexiou
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This was a really deep topic to delve into @eco-alex and I totally enjoyed expressing myself through this post. I am glad I could participate in this week’s question against all odds.

Thank you for your precious time!
Till I come your way again…
Bye for now!

N/B: Photo 1 by Kellepics on Pixabay
Photo 2 by Benni_Ha_Ha on Pixabay
Photo 3 by No listed author on Pixabay
