How to live?//Como Vivir? [ENG/ESP]

Authored by @Pdc

Good afternoon friends, God bless you, continuing with the conversation thread of the previous days through these posts, today I want to end this topic with what the word of God says in 2 Corinthians, chapter 5. And it says like this. In fact, we know that if this tent in which we live falls apart, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we sigh, longing to be clothed with our heavenly abode, for when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. Actually, we live in this tent, sighing and overwhelmed, because we do not want to be undressed, but clothed, so that the mortal is absorbed by life. It is God who has made us for this purpose and has given us his Spirit as a guarantee of his promises. That is why we always maintain trust, although we know that as long as we live in this body we will be far from the Lord. We live by faith, not by sight.
Amen. We live by faith and not by what our eyes see. I know it is difficult, so let us ask God to give us strength day after day so that we can remain in Him and above all believe in Him.
God bless you

Buenas tardes amigos, que Dios les bendiga, siguiendo con el hilo de conversación de los días anteriores a través de estos post, hoy quiero terminar este tema con lo que dice la palabra de Dios en 2° Corintios, capítulo 5. Y dice así. De hecho, sabemos que, si esta tienda de campaña en que vivimos se deshace, tenemos de Dios un edificio, una casa eterna en el cielo, no construida por manos humanas. Mientras tanto suspiramos, anhelando ser revestidos de nuestra morada celestial, porque cuando seamos revestidos, no se nos hallará desnudos. Realmente, vivimos en esta tienda de campaña, suspirando y agobiados, pues no deseamos ser desvestidos, sino revestidos, para que lo mortal sea absorbido por la vida. Es Dios quien nos ha hecho para este fin y nos ha dado su Espíritu como garantía de sus promesas. Por eso mantenemos siempre la confianza, aunque sabemos que mientras vivamos en este cuerpo estaremos alejados del Señor. Vivimos por fe, no por vista.
Amén. Vivimos por Fé y no por lo que nuestros ojos ven. Se que es difícil, por eso pidamos a Dios que nos dé fuerzas día tras día para que podamos permanecer en Él y sobre todo creerle a Él.
Dios les bendiga


Seems like very farmy content for the constant same upvoters. Barely any comments or socializing with the community, etc. We hope you start woring on that. Other than that if you read the rules of the community we don't allow religious posts in here along with a few other things and encourage people to post into more fitting communities if they exist.


Sorry, I missed the point of not being able to share about God in this community. Thanks for letting me know. God bless you.
