[ENG/ESP] The Decision to Love|La Desicion de Amar

Authored by @Pdc

Good afternoon everyone, God bless you greatly. Today I want to talk to you about love. Love has to do with decision and behavior. Usually people do not know what love is. Some think that it is an indescribable emotion, an immense ocean of feelings, but it is not genuine love. Love is not a feeling, it can contain or result in feelings, but it is not a feeling or an emotion. The bible commands us, yes you heard correctly, it commands us to love and you cannot command a feeling. So the kind of love we are talking about is not a feeling, nor an emotion, nor an uncontrollable passion. The bible says "Husbands love your wives." Please note that this is not a suggestion, it is an order, because true love has to be a decision and a behavior. You can choose to love and when you do, love is not primarily a feeling, but something that you do.
In case you did not know, God loves you and only God's love for us is perfect, and it is demonstrated in that he gave the life of his only son for you, and for me. Through that act of love he wants to reconcile himself with each person that He created, and that is where the decision to love God rests with each one of us.
Have you decided to love God yet? If the answer is no, let me tell you that today is the time to make the most important decision of your life.

Buenas tardes a todos, Dios les bendiga grandemente. Hoy quiero hablarles sobre el amor. El amor tiene que ver con decisión y conducta.Por lo general la gente no sabe lo que es el amor. Algunos piensan que es una emoción indescriptible, un inmenso océano de sentimientos, pero no es genuino amor. El amor no es un sentimiento, puede contener o resultar en sentimientos, pero no es un sentimiento o una emoción. La biblia nos ordena, sí escuchó bien, nos ordena a amar y ud no puede ordenar a un sentimiento.Así que la clase de amor del que estamos hablando, no es un sentimiento,ni una emoción, ni una incontrolable pasión.La biblia dice “Maridos amad a vuestras mujeres”. Por favor, note que esto no es una sugerencia, es una orden, porque el amor verdadero tiene que ser una decisión y una conducta. Ud puede elegir el amar y cuando así lo hace, el amor no es primordialmente un sentimiento, sino algo que ud hace.
Por si no sabias Dios te ama y solo el amor de Dios hacia nosotros es perfecto, y está demostrado en que dio la vida de su único hijo por ud, y por mi. A través de ese acto de amor el quiere reconciliarse con cada persona que Él creó, y ahí es donde la desicion de amar a Dios recae en cada uno de nosotros.
Has decidido amar a Dios ya? Si la respuesta es no, déjame decirte que hoy es el momento de tomar la decisión más importante de tu vida.


What a perfect explanation honestly, every one has their own definition or opinion on to what love is and how it can be explained with this which you have explained, personally this is the perfection explanation or teaching of what it really is and that is "Love has to do with decision and behavior and not just a feeling that you claim you can't explain, with behaviors alone you can tell what love is"



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