Saving the day with magic (Weekend Event report) [ ENG | ESP ]


Gods Unchained - video 25.png

Separador HIVE - Gods Unchained.png


This could have been a disastrous weekend event, and yet I was able to finish in a pretty decent way. 12 wins in Mythic may not seem like much, however from the context, and my results from the week before this (12 wins in Ethereal Diamond, I see it as pretty good. A little late, but here is my report.


Este pudo ser un evento de fin de semana desastroso y, sin embargo, pude terminar de una forma bastante decente. 12 victorias en Mythic puede no parecer mucho, no obstante por el contexto, y mis resultados de la semana anterior a esta (12 victorias en Ethereal Diamond, yo lo veo bastante bien. Un poco tarde, pero acá está mi reporte.

Screenshot from

I reached Mythic at the last minute, with a string of victories with this Midrange Nature deck that I used to start the WR. After a very clear defeat, and reviewing what was being played at that moment, I opted for a Midrange Magic very similar to the one that ended up being my definitive deck for this occasion.

Thus, interspersed with a Guild Zoo Deception on a couple of occasions, I only had two wins and 10 losses in the first half of my games. With a few final adjustments I managed to overcome that adversity and pull out 10 wins in the last 13 games. I even managed five wins streak.

Llegué a Mythic a última hora, con una seguidilla de victorias con este Midrange Nature. Mazo que usé para iniciar el WR. Después de una derrota muy clara, y revisar lo que estaba jugándose en ese momento, opté por un Midrange Magic muy similar al que terminó por ser mi deck definitivo para esta ocasión.

Así, intercalando con un Guild Zoo Deception en un par de ocasiones, solo obtuve dos victorias y 10 derrotas en la primera mitad de mis partidas. Con unos últimos ajustes logré remontar esa adversidad y sacar 10 victorias en las últimas 13 partidas. Incluso enrache cinco victorias al hilo.

Screenshot from


Modifications to the deck

Compared to the deck I showed in my last report, the most relevant change was to replace my two Academy Apprentice with two Street Conjuror, so I lost two spellboost, although I feel that the last nerf on this creature (adding one more mana point) made it obsolete.

The second most important change was the hardest to take: I added two Unannounced Arrival, a brutal spell that, combined with at least one Street Conjuror, can be devastating for the opponent. However, for this I had to choose other spells to take out of the deck, finally I decided to remove a Flame of the Second Shattering and a Crystal Rain. This in addition to other minor changes.

Modificaciones al mazo

En comparación al deck que mostré en mi útlimo reporte el cambio más relevante fue el de sustituir mis dos Academy Apprentice por dos Street Conjuror, de tal forma que perdí dos spellboost, aunque siento que el último nerfeo sobre esta criatura (agregarle un punto más de mana) la dejó obsoleta.

El segundo cambio más importante fue el más difícil de tomar: agregué dos Unannounced Arrival, un hechizo brutal que, combinado con al menos un Street Conjuror, puede ser debastador para el rival. No obstante, para ello tuve que elegir otros hechizo para sacar del deck, finalmente me decidí por quitar un Flame of the Second Shattering y un Crystal Rain. Esto además de otros cambios menores.

Criaturas spellboost magic.png

Possible additions

I'm tossing around the possibility of adding two Unbound Flames to my collection; although I'm hoping to get it from one of the packs and I think the last nerf limited its usefulness considerably. On the other hand, I know of a very lethal archetype that relies on the Spellslinging Schoolteacher effect. Something I'll probably put to the test for the upcoming weekend event.

Posibles incorporaciones

Estoy barajando la posibilidad de agregar dos Unbound Flames a mi colección; aunque espero obtenerlo de alguno de los packs y creo que el último nerfeo limitó considerablemente su utilidad. Por otra parte, sé de un arquetipo muy letal que se basa en el efecto de Spellslinging Schoolteacher. Algo que probablemente ponga a prueba para el próximo evento de fin de semana.

Algunos magos.png


Juan Pavón Antúnez


Translated with the help of DeepL || Traducido con la ayuda de DeepL

All images used for this post are screenshots while playing the game.

Separador HIVE - Gods Unchained.png

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We're in the same boat - hoping to unpack Unbound Flames rather than buy them! Unless we have a massive influx of new players, Unbound (and Arrival) are probably at their highest price. Feels not so great to get them now. For now, we wait.


That's right, plus I already spent my remaining $GODS on other cards. This weekend I didn't have any luck with the packs either, I hope for the next one I will.
