Light saved the day: Weekend event report [ ENG | ESP ]


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I have just concluded my participation in another edition of the weekend event; one that, although it was not the most "successful" (as I will show later), will remain in my memory for being one of the best feelings I have had. This time I started in Auric Gold and finished with 13 victories.


Acabo de concluir mi participación en otra edición del evento de fin de semana; una que, aunque no fue la más "exitosa" (como ya mostraré más adelante), quedará en mi memoria por ser de las que mejores sensaciones me ha dejado. En esta ocasión inicié en Auric Gold y terminé con 13 victorias.


Unfortunately I fell into a deep rut and couldn't get past the Auric Gold line before the WR started. This disaster came as a result of testing decks a few hours into the weekend. I actually got to Ethereal Diamond on a couple of occasions, but in the odyssey to reach Mythic I descended much further.

However everything ended relatively well in terms of rewards: with my short-lived 13 victories I will get three rare MJ packs and one epic one, and also one more rare one thanks to the fact that I completed the 30 victories needed to win this extra pack. Also, with a lot of desire and a good run, in a matter of a few hours I climbed from Auric to Mythic, where I played my last 10 matches. So, in context, I finished this WR with better prizes and in a better rank than last week's, despite starting in much more unfavorable conditions.

Desafortunadamente caí en un bache muy hondo y no pude pasar la línea de Auric Gold antes de que comenzara el WR. Este desastre llegó como consecuencia de estar probando mazos a pocas horas del fin de semana. De hecho, llegué a Ethereal Diamond en un par de ocasiones, pero en la odisea por alcanzar Mythic descendí mucho más.

Sin embargo todo terminó relativamente bien en cuanto a las recompensas: Con mis efímeras 13 victorias obtendré tres packs raros de MJ y uno épico, y también uno raro más gracias a que completé las 30 victorias necesarias para ganar este pack extra. Además, con muchas ganas y una buena racha, en cuestión de pocas horas escalé de Auric a Mythic, donde jugué mis últimas 10 partidas. Así que, en contexto, este WR lo terminé con mejores premios y en un mejor rango que el de la semana pasada, a pesar de iniciar en condiciones mucho más desfavorables.

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The deck

My deck Midrange Magic is getting a little behind in the capacity to compete. Part of my problem climbing the ranks this week was due to the fact that, simply put, I didn't know what I should play with. So I sold some unhelpful cards and, just before starting at WR, bought a couple of fancy boosts to put together a halfway decent Aggro Light, which was what I played absolutely every game with.

The reinforcements in question were an Olympian Guard, an extremely useful creature for early stages of the game, and a Holy Writ, a spell that completely fulfilled the objective of being the first buff for my creatures, giving them +4 health, and thus preventing the opponent from destroying them, which at the same time allows me to apply other buffs to them.

El mazo

Mi deck Midrange Magic está quedándose un poco relegado en la capacidad de competir. Parte de mi problema para escalar en los rangos esta semana se debió a que, en pocas palabras, no sabía con qué jugar. Por ello vendí algunas cartas poco útiles y, justo antes de empezar en el WR, compré un par de refuerzos de lujo para armar un Aggro Light medianamente decente, que fue con el que jugué absolutamente todas las partidas.

Los refuerzos en cuestión fueron un Olympian Guard, criatura sumamente útil para etapas tempranas de la partida, y un Holy Writ, hechizo que cumplió totalmente el objetivo de ser el primer buff para mis criaturas, otorgándoles +4 de salud, y evitándo así que el rival las destuya, lo que al mismo tiempo me permite aplicarles otros buffs.


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The rivals

The trend of opponents from last week continued, more or less, this time. This time I faced opponents with nature archetypes in seven occasions, of which I was victorious in five of them with my Aggro Light deck. Basically the same three gods as in the previous week continue to predominate: Nature, Light and Deception; and again the Death decks disappeared, something that catches my attention, taking into account how popular Heirloom Death became in early stages of MJ. As always, I attach a table with more detailed information about my victories/defeats.

Los rivales

La tendencia de rivales de la semana pasada se mantuvo, más o menos, en esta oportunidad. Esta vez enfrenté a rivales con arquetipos de naturaleza en siete ocasiones, de las cuales salí victorioso en cinco de ellas con mi deck Aggro Light. Básicamente siguen predominando los mismos tres dioses que en la semana anterior: Naturaleza, Luz y Engaño; y nuevamente los decks de Muerte desaparecieron, algo que me llama mucho la atención, tomando en cuenta lo popular que se volvió el Heirloom Death en etapas tempranas de MJ. Como siempre, anexo una tabla con información más detallada sobre mis victorias/derrotas.

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Past rewards

Well, last week I got two epic and one rare MJ packs, thanks to 10 wins, starting in Ethereal Diamond. Among the rewards there was nothing very "special," except for a Land of The Dead and Hand of the Abyss typical of Heirloom Death.

Recompensas pasadas

Bien, la semana pasada obtuve dos packs épicos y uno raro de MJ, gracias a 10 victorias, iniciando en Ethereal Diamond. Entre las recompensas no hubo nada muy "especial," a excepción de un Land of The Dead y Hand of the Abyss típicas del Heirloom Death.





Juan Pavón Antúnez


Translated with the help of DeepL || Traducido con la ayuda de DeepL

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Nice write up! I sold all my Holy Writs after they pumped recently, but it's a solid card. My expectation is that the next balance patch will nerf aggro light a bit. Holy Writ comes down in price, and I can buy them back.

I feel you on the low starting rank. I started in Diamond this weekend. I didn't have time to play much this week, but ranking up has gotten a lot harder. With fewer players playing, only the best are left.


The truth is I also hope they nerf aggro light soon, but I'll take advantage of it in the meantime. In the end Holy Writ is a Genesis and I like to add it to my collection, but hopefully that trade works out well for you.

And yes, the competition has gotten a lot harder. I got to play Demogorgons in Solar, so it's intense.


Yikes! Demo in solar is rough. Imagine how frustrated it's owner must be. Doubt they are used to being there 😄


Congratulations on the victories and reaching Mythic!

Low ranks are like a whirlpool. So I decided not to experiments with decks for a while 😁

Death decks disappeared -

It is pity that zombies haven't got support yet. (So I buy DO Death cards when they are low 🙂).

Anubians -- I have a good deck with Untold Greed and Skull Scepters. But Aggro Nature and Light are too aggro, too many buffs - Anubians can't survive. I will try Anubians again when more midrange / control decks appear in Mythic and if Deception can't treat this.


Thank you! It wasn't my best WR, but finishing at Mythic gives me a relief. I think I will put in practice not to experiment. 😅

I'd love to see zombies back in the meta, but it seems to me that the game is taking a turn towards making shorter matches by strengthening aggro archetypes.
