¿El 'modo caos' es un fracaso? | | Chaos mode' failed?


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El 'Chaos Constructed' llegó como el abrebocas de la gran apuesta de Gods Unchained por ofrecer algo diferente, alguna clase de “fresco” al día a día de los jugadores, con varios modos de juegos. Una experiencia que prometía mucho y sin embargo, en su inicio, quedó solo en eso: promesas. Hasta ahora este ha pasado sin pena ni gloria y desde ya muchos lo han calificado de fracaso. Calificativo que, aunque un poco extremista, quizá no tan alejado de la realidad.

Chaos no tuvo el éxito esperado, eso es completamente cierto. O por lo menos hasta ahora mismo no está teniéndolo, y la posibilidad de atraer mayor interés de los jugadores no parece factible. Esto, más que por cómo se desenvuelven las partidas en este formato, creo se debe a la nula recompensa que ha tenido en primera instancia. No refiriéndome estrictamente a premios económicos (aka tokens $GODS); más bien a esa sensación de recompensa que debería otorgar, según una opinión muy personal, cualquier formato semicompetitivo o competitivo en GU a partir de ahora: experiencia, flux y, de ser posible, hasta los fragmentos daily play & earn.

Sin alguno de estos enfoques que motiven al usuario a jugar el formato, muy probablemente será cuestión de días para que quede en el completo olvido. Tal como hace pocos días leí el comentario de usuario: «¿Para qué jugaría al Chaos? Si quiero probar mazos que por lo menos me sirvan para el competitivo me voy a jugar en casual». No hay razón para jugar el Chaos Constructed, ni siquiera por diversión porque, a menos de que tengas a tu disposición todas las cartas que existen o seas un amante del Ttheorycraft de mazos, no es divertido.

Captura de pantalla de la cuenta oficial de Twitter de Gods Unchained

A pesar de todo, reconozco la llegada de nuevos modos de juego como un avance. Es, tan siquiera, un avance respecto a la monotonía presentada desde que la edición Mortal Judgement se asentó en el meta. Además, poco tiempo atrás miembros del equipo de GU mencionaron que pondrán a disposición, si no me falla la memoria mientras escribo esto, alrededor de una docena de maneras de jugar. Por ello prefiero ver a este primer formato como una seguidilla de primeros pasos –a trompicones, eso sí– hacia un producto final que, espero, terminará por ser mucho mejor.

No obstante, tampoco puede ocultarse que empezar la odisea de las novedades con un poco atractivo Chaos Constructed no fue la mejor opción. Menos aún cuando luego tendremos una gama de posibilidades más llamativa (válidas solo cartas comunes y raras, o válidas solo cartas de un punto de maná, por ejemplo) y un tan esperado modo sellado que debe ser trabajada como la cereza del pastel.


Apenas terminaba de dar los retoques finales al texto surgió una novedad: ahora es posible ganar flux, experiencia y estrellas en el Chaos Constructed. Un avance, por supuesto. Aunque, como no podía ser de otra forma, también se coló un "bug" que derivó en que a varios usuarios les contaran estas partidas en el daily play & earn. Quedará como anécdota tragicómica esto último, pero al menos ahora existe una motivación extra para experimentar en este y los formatos por venir.



Juan Pavón Antúnez

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Chaos Constructed' came as a foretaste of Gods Unchained's big bet to offer something different, some kind of "freshness" to players' day-to-day lives, with various game modes. An experience that promised so much and yet, at its inception, remained just that: promises. So far, it has passed without much fanfare and many have already labelled it a failure. A qualification that, although a little extreme, is perhaps not so far from the truth.

Chaos was not as successful as expected, that is absolutely true. Or at least so far it is not, and the possibility of attracting more interest from players does not seem feasible. This, more than the way the matches in this format are going, I think is due to the lack of rewards in the first instance. I'm not strictly referring to financial rewards (aka $GODS tokens); rather to that sense of reward that any semi-competitive or competitive format in GU from now on should, in my very personal opinion, provide: experience, flux and, if possible, even the daily play & earn fragments.

Without some of these approaches to motivate the user to play the format, it will most likely be a matter of days before it is completely forgotten.As I read a user comment a few days ago: "Why would I play Chaos?If I want to try decks that at least work for competitive play, I'll play casual". There's no reason to play Chaos Constructed, not even for fun because, unless you have every card in existence at your disposal or are a Ttheorycraft deck lover, it's not fun.

Screenshot from the official Gods Unchained Twitter account

Nevertheless, I recognise the arrival of new game modes as a step forward. It is, at the very least, an improvement on the monotony presented since Mortal Judgement Edition settled in the meta. Furthermore, a short while back members of the GU team mentioned that they will be making available, if memory serves as I write this, around a dozen ways to play. So I prefer to see this first format as a series of first (unsuccessful) steps towards a final product that, I hope, will end up being much better.

However, it cannot be hidden that starting the odyssey of novelties with an unattractive Chaos Constructed was not the best choice. Even less so when we will later have a more striking range of possibilities (valid only common and rare cards, or valid only one mana point cards, for example) and a long-awaited sealed mode that should be worked in as the icing on the cake.


No sooner had I finished putting the finishing touches to the text than a new feature emerged: it is now possible to earn flux, experience and stars in the Chaos Constructed. Although, of course, a bug also crept in, which resulted in several users having their games counted in the daily play & earn. The latter will remain a tragicomic anecdote, but at least now there is extra motivation to experiment in this and the formats to come.



Juan Pavón Antúnez


Translated with the help of DeepL

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Agree with every word.

Most people hardly have time to play ranked games, why anybody would expect they will play Chaos?

I even haven't tried the mode since, first of all, creating a viable deck is a huge work. I would be happy to test decks in Custom in hope that they might work in the Ranked mode. But it's too long especially when your deck isn't that great in Ranked and you have to play A LOT to get back higher.

Secondly, there are many guys with a vast variety of cards with huge advantage in this mode where you can play cards from all domains.

Thirdly, what can Chaos mode teach me? Playing in Chaos means you lose GU experience and expertise since the mode is a pure fantasy that has no relation to the real game.

If they want to make Chaos mode viable, to get a chance to, they should probably hold competitions with great prizes in this mode. But I won't play anyway since "the rich" have a much bigger advantage in this mode than in ranked games. (And anyway I don't want to play more than 10 (ranked) games a day.) But maybe there will be people who will play in the mode in that case.

an improvement on the monotony presented since Mortal Judgement Edition settled in the meta

Personally, I would be glad if they released new Core cards. A good way to raise crypto for the poor to invest the coins in better cards or just hodl them. That would make the game more lively, I believe.


I mainly agree with you. In fact, I haven't messed with Chaos mode yet mainly because of the large amount of work to create multi-domain decks. However, there are people having a lot of fun with it. The daily play-to-earn is basically so little you should only play it if you're having fun. Missing a few pennies to play chaos is more than worth it for those who find it fun.

Mainly, though, Chaos mode is proof that their new modal system is working, which is what I'm really happy about. They are now thinking sealed in August and have mentioned other modes (all of which look more fun to me).


Good to know some people play the mode. This is good for the game.

I also enjoy a new mode in my life: Cross the Ages 😁

The daily play-to-earn is basically so little

I see it in the opposite way (but I know many people have their own life circumstances and angles of views). Daily rewards of mine make around 30 USD a month. In a year or two, 30 USD invested in crypto may become 300$. So, this is how I see my GU daily earnings - 300 bucks a month. 🤠

Perhaps, some GU players monthly invest in crypto much more than 30 USD from their salaries but I can't say the same about myself. This is my angle of view.

Chaos mode is proof that their new modal system is working

Agree. Players and investors need positive signals. I personally need them.


Rather than a problem of rewards, I think the problem is the chaos mode itself. It just gets more annoying than fun at times. I hope they take that into account for future formats.


I am into playing CASUAL more often than CHAOS, I guess I just don't have extra time to play that new game mode, but let's see in the coming days.


I think we all prefer to play casual rather than chaos. A pity, really.
