If I was to choose an Educational course.


Although every educational courses is important but if I was given another opportunity to make choice, will choose AGRICULTURE has a course of study.

Agriculture is a cultivation of crops and keeping of animal for man use.

This definition was introduced to me many years ago, up till now it's still important and useful.

Agriculture may be neglected or seen as the last resort but the benifite attach to it is numerous.

Agriculture has a lot of Niche that is important to human and human can not do without it.

Because our existence on earth we need food for survival and without food it will be difficult to survive.

If food is important for survival Agriculture should be consider has the major course of practice that will help man survives on earth.

Agriculture is not only attributes to a large scale farming alone, small scale farming is also important, it help reduce the demand ratio in the market and help increase supply by doing that, the price become pocket friendly.

If I was to choose an Educational course I will choose AGRICULTURE.
