It is better quality than quantity by @oriongg



Hello friends, I hope you are well, we have had a very busy week, mainly due to all the economic changes that are occurring worldwide, leading us to be more and more perspective of the direction of our finances personal. Today I will share with you a topic on which I have been meditating a lot. Mainly because this being one of the fundamental axes in each of the users that are part of the Hive blockchain, it will lead us to obtain the expected results.

It is well known that quality is a property that lies in The ability of an object to satisfy needs according to its standard of qualities. That is why being a content developer is not an easy task and even more so, be committed to taking your publications to excellence. Like every beginner, it is necessary to learn the basics, text editing format, a little graphic design to give each topic personality, not to mention proper use of labels and sources of information online.

These are all important aspects when creating something new. And it just forms a pattern of steps every time we publish, I have had many friends on this incredible platform and some beginners along with others who are already advanced, so I understand to many degrees what it is to dedicate yourself to generating content constantly.
It is in the same sense that our attention turns now, because I usually see many people trying to publish 2 or three times a day while another 1 daily. And I think it is important first to focus the idea well before anything else, to give it the indicated time to format it and polish the imperfections until having a work ready and with its best presentation

Keep your mind clear that consistency with care improves quality by subtracting a little from quantity

When we focus on having better results we observe how time is consumed, and many times we wonder about the exact amount of content to offer, that is, if there is a limit that we should not exceed? So let's look at these points in quality and that is, if we bombard our followers with content that doesn't interest them, they will end up abandoning us.
We also see that, in favor of quantity, it is worth mentioning that it will not do any good, or very little, to create useful content from time to time; rather, we must try to offer it on a daily basis. Since the speed that information works in social networks, the useful life of the information is short.


So create a balance, schedule by week, month if possible. Secure your posts on a daily basis with the best layout for the first post of the day and you will see that the quality of your post will improve.

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