Working On Something You Really Care About? You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You


Good day beautiful people. Hope you all are doing amazing today. Compliments of the season and happy mid week.


Talking about having a vision, you need to realise that its your own vision and you need to own it and don't wait for anyone to control you when working on it.

No one should push you to achieving your aims, goals and objectives. Because its your vision, you don't have to be pushed, the vision itself should pull you and make you stand up each day with new strategies on how to make it work.

Ofcourse you can have people working with you or working for you to achieve your goal but they are only doing it for their own pay. Not many people really want to understand or help anyone else to achieve their goals willingly without any benefits attached to it.

So also you should buckle up and know what you are doing as we are in the new year and you may have set new goals for yourself or new ways to achieve it. Don't let anyone run you down.

Don't be discouraged, even if people around you are discouraging and frustrating your effort, let your vision pull you to achieving your goal. All the best as you do so.

Still me @Oredebby
