Night duty calls, Night routine check of the birds


Apart from human and pets that need constant 'checkup', adequate care and all, keeping poultry birds is one hell of a task that is quite demanding.
Just like most jobs that pay our bills, we tend to forget the stress, pressure of getting the job done once we could get the desired results and that purchasing power which is money. So also is what i passed through keeping up with my broiler birds from day one to when they are fully matured ready for consumption or for sale.


Its rainy season already, you don't want to be far from your birds, because the weather ain't stable, for a second it all sunny, next minute its pouring. Thats why i keepup with my night routines, ensuring food, water and most importantly ensuring the birds are okay before i can go to bed


So this night post focuses on my birds at night, making sure they have enough food to take them till next day. This can only be achieved with proper lightening as well, ..

Sad to say the electricity supply is in an epileptic stage, meaning i have to improvised by using rechargeable lamps, pending when i'll build my solar panel to generate power.




The birds are All set ready for dinner, while i go in to have a good sleep till next morning

who is @olaunlimited

Poultry farmer

Small scale crop & livestock farmer
Hive Learner
And Owner of #hagro community

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