If You Are Patient, There Are Deals To Be Had On DCity

I have been playing DCity for a couple of weeks now and it is still fun to build up the city whenever I'm in the mood for it. Initially, I was impatient. I wanted to buy all the cards that I needed as soon as possible.

That's understandable when you're just starting out although it may not be financially optimal. That's because of the wide spread between the bids and asks. If you are patient, you can score quite a number of deals.

Here's my example from today:


As you can see, I bought a bunch of Workers for 7 SIM each. This is a big discount from the up to 30 SIM per worker that I had been paying by taking the ASK price.


Looking at the spread, there is a 29 SIM spread between the Bid and Ask. If you're really patient, you could save up to 28 SIM per card and these amounts do add up given the number of cards we buy.

Well, that's something interesting that I experienced today and now I'm going to place more bids.
