Un gatito perdido 😺😺🐈A lost kitten😺😺🐈🐈



Hola hola los gatitos son animales felinos domesticados cuando están en un hogar llenos de amor ellos retribuyen de igual forma son muy leales en mi casa tenemos a Gatúbela una gatita rescatada de la calle para que los niños no la maltraten estaba muy asustada ahora es una gatita muy fiel siempre esta cerca y cuando quiere algo nos pasa su colita por los pies es su manera de comunicarse cuando le hablo obedece es muy linda.
Hello hello kittens are domesticated feline animals when they are in a home full of love they give back in the same way they are very loyal in my house we have Gatúbela a kitten rescued from the street so that the children do not mistreat her she was very scared now she is a very faithful kitten she is always close and when she wants something she passes her tail by our feet it is her way of communicating when I talk to her she obeys she is very cute.

Hace unos días fui a visitar a mi hermano el vive en un edificio en el piso número 07 cuando llegue me doy cuenta que no había electricidad asi que me senté en la entrada a esperar allí me doy cuenta que hay un lindo gatico se veía como perdido me llamo la atención su pelaje está bien cuidado le comento a mi hija ese gatito de e estar perdido estaba un poco reacio a qué lo tocaran pero no era agresivo yo como no sabía su nombre lo empecé a llamar misu el volteaba pero no sé dejaba tocar por mi pero si se dejaba tomar fotos.
A few days ago I went to visit my brother he lives in a building on the 07th floor when I arrived I realized that there was no electricity so I sat at the entrance to wait there I realized that there was a cute kitten he looked like lost I noticed his fur was well cared for I told my daughter that kitten was a little reluctant to be touched but he was not aggressive I did not know his name so I started to call him misu he turned around but he did not let me touch him but he did let me take pictures of him.


Esperando que llegue la luz ya que no quería subir por las escaleras me quedé pasando el tiempo con el gatico el no se dejaba acariciar por mi pero cuando llegó mi sobrino enseguida hizo una conexión con el gatito empezó acariciarlo y jugar con el al principio mi hermano sentía temor pero el gatico se dejaba querer al rato y ase dejan acariciar con todos aunque tenía carita de bravo.
Waiting for the light to come on because I didn't want to go up the stairs I stayed there spending time with the kitten he wouldn't let me pet him but when my nephew arrived he immediately made a connection with the kitten and started petting him and playing with him at first my brother was afraid but the kitten was loving after a while and he let me pet him with everyone even though he had a fierce face.


Mientras llegaba la electricidad al edificio me quedé observando a mi sobrino y al gato compartir la inocencia de ambos era impresionante ya eran los mejores amigos cuando llegó la luz bajo una adolescente desesperada porque su gatico asustado se salió del apartamento y no lo conseguía al verlo estaba feliz de conseguir a su mascota se llama Félix es un machito muy dócil y tranquilo estaba muy agradecida porque no se le perdió gracias a qué se quedó jugando con mi sobrino ya felix está de nuevo en casa por supuesto mi sobrino se quedó llorando porque quería seguir jugando.
While the electricity was coming to the building I was watching my nephew and the cat sharing the innocence of both was impressive they were already the best of friends when the electricity came on a teenager desperate because her scared kitten got out of the apartment and she couldn't find him when she saw him she was happy to get her pet his name is Felix he is a very docile and calm male she was very grateful because she didn't get lost thanks to what she kept playing with my nephew Felix is now back home of course my nephew was crying because he wanted to keep playing.


Fue muy divertido hacerle una sesión fotos ya que el gatito se daba su importancia ya felix está en casa con su dueña pero en algunas oportunidades permite comparta un rato que mi sobrino que tiene 2 añitos ya que se iniciaron buenos amigos.
It was a lot of fun to do a photo session with him since the kitten was giving his importance to himself. Felix is already at home with his owner but sometimes he allows me to share some time with my nephew who is 2 years old since they became good friends.


Las mascotas son los seres más fieles y leales si reciben amor no debemos maltratar a las gatitos que hay en el camino y si se puede buscar al dueño mejor.
Pets are the most faithful and loyal beings if they receive love we should not mistreat the kittens that are on the road and if you can look for the owner better.


😺Gracias por visitar mi Blog😺


Fotos originales tomadas con mi teléfono Yezz Art pro 📸 / Original photos taken with my Yezz Art pro phone 📸
