RE: Begin Again


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You know what?

I'm going to have to ponder this for a bit.

I've been taught to finish what I start... maybe it's okay to drop some stuff. I hear you. And I have that same feeling about some projects but feel as though I 'have" to finish the fuckin' things.

With time being so precious... do we even have to though? Hmmmmm....


I think the only times I really feel like I have to finish something is a combination of people dependency vs how interesting it is to me. I am not beyond dropping things still if I find them tedious or just too difficult and given enough time anything I thought was an important factor even peoples dependence on me will trend towards 0. It is nice to have that sweet spot though where you have a little bit of no fucks given about the minutia and in the end, you just do it and wonder why it took so long to get there.

Part of my struggle to do things and finish it because I procrastinate, go into research spirals, think about it a lot and then because I thought it through and figured it out it feels like I have already done it so what is the point of doing it :P

Maybe it is just about goals, and no fucks given about how you get there, because it is just a problem and like almost all problems before you solved it and many times in ways you never expected so why get hung up on how you should do something vs just doing something and solving issues as they come.

Sorry for my 3 days late ramble, I did see your other posts and I guess I am just saying I agree in a very pointless longform !PIZZA !LOLZ
