Sauteed Siamese Chayote is Simple, Delicious, Savory and Sweet


Hello everyone, do you know pumpkin type vegetables?
Pumpkin is a type of vine,many farmers plant it, not only farmers, you can also plant it in your home garden if you want, there are various types of pumpkin in Indonesia, today I will cook pumpkin green.
The pumpkin that I will cook is a type of young chayote, usually this pumpkin green is often made into fresh vegetables which are processed by boiling.
But ,today I will cook it into a stir fry.



Did you know that chayote vegetables that have a sweet taste are very easy to grow, these vegetables can also be grown in tropical places.
Many of my family in the village grow these vegetables in their home gardens, they deliberately plant them because the fruit can be used as a daily side dish. In addition to enjoying yourself, these vegetables can also be shared with neighbors.

Do you know how many benefits of chayote for our body?

Benefits of Chayote for Health

1.Smooth Digestion

The benefits of chayote are to improve digestion. Chayote is one type of fruit that is rich in fiber. This content is known to be good for a healthy digestive tract because it can maintain a balance in the number of good bacteria in the intestines and facilitate bowel movements.

2.Lowering Uric Acid

Levels Food sources low in purines and high in fiber, such as chayote, can lower uric acid levels in the body and prevent the recurrence of gout symptoms. Therefore, chayote is good for consumption for gout sufferers. However, the benefits of chayote to overcome gout disease still require further research.

3.Lose Weight

The next benefit of chayote is weight loss. Not only high in fiber, chayote is also low in calories and rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Thanks to these ingredients, chayote is good for those of you who are on a diet or want to maintain an ideal body weight. However, not only by consuming chayote, you are also advised to regularly exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

4.Prevents Premature

Aging of the Skin Several studies state that the content of vitamin C in chayote can stimulate the production of collagen in the body. The benefits of this chayote can be used to prevent premature aging of the skin which is characterized by skin looking dull, wrinkles and fine lines appearing, and skin looking sagging.

The summary above is some of the benefits of chayote that I got from the internet, to find out other benefits you can open the link below.

Besides being cooked into stir-fry and boiled, chayote is also very delicious cooked with a savory coconut milk sauce, usually this coconut milk pumpkin vegetable will be combined with chicken opor and lontong vegetables.
It's so delicious, have you ever tried it?
Next time I will try to make it and share the recipe with you here.

For today I will share a simple chayote stir fry recipe first.
Happy reading and I hope my writing is easy to understand.



4 light green chayote, 5 garlic, 5 red onions, 1 pack of mushroom broth, red cayenne pepper, green cayenne pepper, salt, sugar, water and flavoring.


Step 1

Split the chayote into several parts, then slice lengthwise, not too thin.



Step 2

Slice red chilies, green chilies, garlic and red onions.


Step 3

Fry the garlic and red onions in hot oil until wilted and change color.


Step 4

Add chilies and stir fry until cooked.


Step 5

Enter the chayote that has been washed clean, then add a little water.


Step 6

Add mushroom broth, salt, sugar and seasoning to taste.


Step 7

The last is to correct the taste of the dish so that the taste of the dish matches your taste, then cook it until it is cooked.


Cooking Results





This is the result of my cooking today, delicious simple chayote stir fry.
What do you think, does this look delicious and interesting?
For vegetable lovers you must try this food, it tastes sweet, spicy and savory.
If you want to diet or lose weight you can consume these vegetables every day, for that I'm trying it now, will my weight go down?? I don't know....(laughs out loud)

Thank you for reading my post today hope you like it. See you again with my other posts. Reblog this post if you like it and I deserve it.



Who is Dwi Purwandari?

Dwi Purwandari is an ordinary housewife, she doesn't have many activities at home so she is bored. Recently, he started to learn to write, because according to her, writing is a way for her to relieve stress, can improve his mood and can express her feelings as he wants by writing. She has a dream that one day he can become a successful person by writing. Be proud of you because you can write,because not everyone is able to become a writer.


Thanks for the recipe @ndari :)
You always make my mouth watering with your food everytime..


Thank you sista, I really appreciate thank you for your comments, always healthy 😍❤


Doesn't need to be pealed? I tried a recipe with chayote and I read it doesn't need to be but it felt like a stem, so I wonder if mine chayote was too old or there are different types.


Yes, this type of chayote does not need to be peeled, this is a young chayote or small baby chayote which is usually used as a vegetable salad. Please try
